This is accurate...kinda 47 comments
· 9 years ago
Bisexual- you still take gender into account.
Pansexual- you are attracted to a person solely for personality with no regards to gender.
Also, this is an interesting statement on gender in support of it being a spectrum.
Edited 9 years ago
Pansexual- you are attracted to a person solely for personality with no regards to gender.
Also, this is an interesting statement on gender in support of it being a spectrum.
Pluto is adorable 12 comments
· 9 years ago
Hello fellow sir! Pluto actually is not identified as a moon but rather as a "dwarf planet," with moons of its own.
I said the thing 34 comments
· 9 years ago
Please read this article if you are saying that no one would dare blame the rape victim in the unrealistically perfect world you seem to believe you live in.
Edited 9 years ago
Please read this article if you are saying that no one would dare blame the rape victim in the unrealistically perfect world you seem to believe you live in.
w 12 comments
· 9 years ago
America has a long road ahead of them, but they do have the right to celebrate their successes.
Why not rename feminism to equalism? 34 comments
· 9 years ago
It's also due to the idea that it is fighting for female rights and the idea that a man can have more traditionally feminine roles and characteristics.
Tumblr reacts to the truth 35 comments
· 9 years ago
I don't know strangelyacoustic, I feel like his comment on the name tags with pronouns bothered me more than the rest of it (because let's be real here: I know tumblr can be excessive), because something that I hear again and again are stories of "I thought I was alone in my small town with how I felt, until tumblr" or "when I couldn't be open with family and friends I went online," circulating among young people, especially in the queer community. I just don't think it's a positive or fun thing to say "you are obviously running, but the monsters will always get you in the end. You will never be free."
Gay shop owners 15 comments
· 9 years ago
The large issue is moving sexuality, through legal precedent, into being a protected class in the same level of scrutiny as sex, so that discrimination cannot legally occur unless there is an unreasonable accommodation requested.
Tumblr reacts to the truth 35 comments
· 9 years ago
That post is like saying "I know you probably come on here because your life is terrible at this moment and you need an escape or to blow of steam, but don't forget for a second that no matter what, the world you are already experiencing does not care about you."
A+ man
Why not just let people have their safe haven and if it bothers you that much leave? You obviously like tumblr enough that that's where you went to blow off steam?
A+ man
Why not just let people have their safe haven and if it bothers you that much leave? You obviously like tumblr enough that that's where you went to blow off steam?
Physics is not gonna let this work 13 comments
Knowing you will never get a star 36 comments
Not So Depressing Thought for the day 22 comments
· 9 years ago
Maybe He is lonely? Maybe He, like us, wished to create in both the physical and the artistic sense? I think when it says we were created in His image, it means we were created with his same base desires and attributes (creation, company, communication, and freedom) even though we have to an extent perverted these attributes, it is only within ourselves that we can find His motives. As far as individual purpose, I think we are meant to help others and help ourselves achieve a more godlike existence (of course not in a divine way, but in a sense return more to those unperverted base attributes and "declutter" in a sense).
Edited 9 years ago
Not So Depressing Thought for the day 22 comments
· 9 years ago
I take a more deistic standpoint but still within the traditional Christian belief of an all knowing God, though more with the justification that since God exists outside of time he is conscious of what will happen in any direction of time. I do agree with you, however, that justifying an all knowing God by saying either He decides our fate or He knows us well enough to determine our actions does disqualify the possibility of free will as we are defining it. What are your view on an all powerful god?
Not So Depressing Thought for the day 22 comments
· 9 years ago
I believe to an extent that we are and it does, but not in such a way that it destroys free will completely. We may be slaves, but we can choose our chains, if you pardon the cliche. I think oddly enough it is the mixture of both chaotic input and our genetic coding and experiences that keeps us free--or at least free-er.
Not So Depressing Thought for the day 22 comments
· 9 years ago
Do you believe that there is any way to measure, pardon my terminology, the organic-ness of decisions and impulses? I think the greatest danger to free will is not fate but rather chaotic input into our minds; our own personal Chinese rooms.
Not So Depressing Thought for the day 22 comments
· 9 years ago
It all depends on how you define free will. Or if you believe in it to begin with?
Not So Depressing Thought for the day 22 comments
· 9 years ago
And yet in the novel it is those with free will who are able to think the most beautifully and complexly. In an all-or-nothing world, I would choose free will, with all of it's ills, over control any day.
Not So Depressing Thought for the day 22 comments
Not So Depressing Thought for the day 22 comments
· 9 years ago
I don't know for sure, but with the advent of easy communication and access to information through technology and the globalization of culture, we would have to actively hold on to old biases, which contradicts the very reason behind biases. So as it gets harder and harder to hold on to those beliefs, and generations raised in times before such easy access die out, we may find ourselves (and I am using the royal "we" here) in a world where there truly is less prejudice. Don't get me wrong; people will always seek scapegoats. What I believe this post is saying is that we can (and should try to) give those people a run for their money.
I want a new cat exactly like my dead cat 10 comments
"Oh look honey two lions hunting in the middle of the road; I should get out of the car and take pictures."
"Uhhh... sweetie, I don't think that's the best idea."