Saw this all over FB. Let the discussion begin 98 comments
· 5 years ago
However keeping the Mexicans, if they’re not from the US, in what I can only describe as a concentration camp, is just fucked up
Saw this all over FB. Let the discussion begin 98 comments
Ariel in the Little Mermaid remake 14 comments
Glad we can all come together on some things 14 comments
Glad we can all come together on some things 14 comments
Okay guys wtf 10 comments
· 5 years ago
Also the fact that Mermaids don’t exist. If we were to imagine a mermaid as it is described to us, being a human with a fish tail, who’s to say the human half doesn’t have any melanin at all. Where as with stories like: Mulan, Pocahontas, Aladdin and heck even Brave, the culture is a point in then story, so for integrity of the story it makes sense for the person playing these characters to have some background with the Origin Of the story.
That's 101% true 17 comments
Okay guys wtf 10 comments
· 5 years ago
I defend Halle Barry’s casting in “The Little Mermaid” But this is too far. Mulan is a Chinese tale, she is Chinese, so it wouldn’t make sense to cast her as African-American. I’m not trying to be racist, I’m trying to have the story make sense.
That's 101% true 17 comments
And when you're in a different city and the store is not the same, MADNESS!!! 6 comments
· 5 years ago
So, I understand why they do it. It’s to make you take longer so you’re more inclined to impulse buy and buy items you don’t need.
Who else is super hyped?!? 27 comments
· 5 years ago
That’s like a 2 year difference, the fuck, my parents have a larger age gap than that
Edited 5 years ago
I've been thinking of switching career to nursing lately after working in corporate 5 comments
· 5 years ago
I was a summer volunteer for a hospital where I live. This was my first year working the ER, so it was like my second day or so. The worker I was following went into a wing called “The prisoner’s Wing” because there was a patient back there from the local prison. We walk in and the guy is struggling because he’s trying to get out of his handcuff to the bed. The smell of piss is eminent because instead of asking for a bed pan, he just took it out and aimed for the trash can. Fair to say that shook 14 year olds me
Jumping on the train 3 comments
· 5 years ago
Here’s my philosophy. For most of the princesses, there skin color doesn’t matter because they are fictional characters, except for the following 5: Pocahontas, Mulan, Jasmine, Merida and Moana, because they’re cultural heritage is integral to the story being: Native American, Chinese, Arabian, Scottish and Polynesian respectively. If you handle a character’s story with grace anyone could play them. But those 5 is harder because of the fact there culture is part of the character as a whole and should stay the same, all others is up Disney as for who they think will do the best job. But this is all just my 2¢
LITERALLY 8 comments
LITERALLY 8 comments
Damn furries 2 comments
· 5 years ago
I’m still gonna watch it because it has Taylor Swift in it alongside Jennifer Hudson, I’m a simple man and I don’t really care
Jomenvisstserru 1 comments
Yes you are 22 comments
· 5 years ago
I had them fanned out, and nothing but light, you have to remember he was tailgating me inch by inch so had I stopped he would have careened right into me on an interstate
Edited 5 years ago
Yes you are 22 comments
· 5 years ago
On the road I was driving, at that point I’d be in a ditch or on private property at near 7 in the morning and even if I wanted too, I couldn’t due to the fact I couldn’t see ANYTHING except the light if I moved my head in any direction
Edited 5 years ago