Not a normal Christmas movie. I Rate 64/66 3 comments
· 4 years ago
I didnt care for it unfortunately as it is well animated..
That's Canada for you 9 comments
I love watching movies about myself 2 comments
I'm today years old 9 comments
I'm today years old 9 comments
· 5 years ago
Its to keep your food warm while you cook/bake other things, for example for a big thanksgiving meal, where you are serving several things.
Huge sci fi fan. These ones are my favorites ones, any recommendations? 8 comments
· 5 years ago
DAN SIMMONS <3 <3 <3 Cannot recommend Hyperion enough, omg, soooo good <3
In the men's restroom today 1 comments
· 5 years ago
Whenever I see Moaning Myrtle I remember how one person on the internet said they thought it was Daniel Radcliffe in drag lmaoooo
Edited 5 years ago
Tony hak 1 comments
· 5 years ago
This actually works, but you get an autoreply asking you to sign up to some Community shit
A lil baby albino raccoon 9 comments
Friends until the very end 2 comments
· 5 years ago
This is the dumbest, most bs post I've ever read in my life. You are a total moron if you believe this AND if it is true? Bowls cost like 1$ at the dollar store. You couldnt be bothered to get a 2nd one? REALLY? This is such total bs. Stop treating ppl like idiots just so you can tell some total shit story to get sympathy. This is pathetic.
Edited 5 years ago
What have you learned de hard way ?? 36 comments
Oof, that's sad 1 comments
Not Very Fun, But Important Nonetheless 15 comments
Rip grumpy 4 comments
Anon deals with a bad situation 3 comments