Honestly... WTF 11 comments
· 8 years ago
wait: so you're telling me i can DO THIS
Being healthy is for the rich 25 comments
Being healthy is for the rich 25 comments
We are not the best version of humanity 42 comments
· 8 years ago
i still cannot comprehend the evilness of people like hitler. do you ever think he felt remorse?
Can not be clean that fast 10 comments
What has happened to our youth? 19 comments
· 8 years ago
yeah, exactly! plus, it's not like wanting an ipad or pod or phone is a bad thing, its just like maybe owning a bike in the 50s was a luxury.
What has happened to our youth? 19 comments
· 8 years ago
i hate when people complain about these sort of things because they never seem to understand that society is changing and with that new products are being produced. not EVERY kid is like this, it all depends on who the parents are.
sweet suit 3 comments
Why didn't I get a photo shoot when I was 13 8 comments
Is it just me, or would this actually be cool? 4 comments
· 8 years ago
i hate it when people say, "if you're so depressed, how come i see you smiling sometimes??"
Everyone is wondering! 22 comments
I want a brit to explain the car door 12 comments