

— scraner6 Report User
420 iq meme 1 comments
scraner6 · 1 year ago
ra ra rasputin
What day is it?? 4 comments
scraner6 · 1 year ago
That not technically PI. It is a close approximation. PI = 3.14159265359 As you can see it is fine if you do not care about accuracy beyond 2 decimal places.
You will pay for my gym membership 11 comments
scraner6 · 1 year ago
So food, housing, health care, ... are not human rights?
· Edited 1 year ago
What a guy.... 3 comments
scraner6 · 1 year ago
Yeah, I bet he can't wait till Dallas.
Cool idea bro: could you do it without force tho? 9 comments
scraner6 · 2 years ago
True true. There just were soooo many factual inaccuracies with that comment that I did not want to touch it with a 10 foot pole. It came off more troll then actual comment.
· Edited 2 years ago
Cool idea bro: could you do it without force tho? 9 comments
scraner6 · 2 years ago
The lottery did not "take" almost half a billion. 747 million is the amount that gets invested in a way that if the winner opted for the payments would in the end result in the 1.28B. To the lottery whether they put 747 million in the investment or give it to the winner in a lump sum, it is the same amount out of their pocket.
Penny for your thoughts 32 comments
scraner6 · 3 years ago
most of it goes to the fact that they are okay with different breeds in the same species. No matter how many times a new breed is created the dog is still part of the same species and as such the little yorkie can still breed with the great dane.
They actually use this example as proof that evolution does not exist because with all the breeding done by man they have not been able to create a new species.
But yes we as a human race tend to give more credence to that which supports our belief and ignore that which does not. It is the same logic fallacy that lends to, "All good basketball players are tall, therefore if one is tall they must be good at basketball."
Quick maths 14 comments
scraner6 · 3 years ago
Has not been passed yet. The house approved one version and the senate made changes and approved, which is then passed back to the house for a second approval. If they approve it then it will go to the President for his signature. Then it will be law and the Treasury will start sending the money. All in all plan on Mid April if all goes well and no hiccups.
My aunt has two daughters. Guess which is her favorite 5 comments
scraner6 · 3 years ago
Lisa, she got so many presents that the Aunt ran out of "Lisa" wrapping paper and had to use what was left over because "Jessica" only got a few presents.
RIP USS Indianapolis CA-35 4 comments
scraner6 · 4 years ago
With the last death being the captain who took his own life after years of being called a "murderer" for not zigzagging. Even though the Japanese sub captain stated in the trial that the zigzagging would not have saved the ship, the court found the captain in dereliction. It was not till years after the suicide that the captain was pardoned, by Pres Clinton.
3 · Edited 4 years ago
RIP USS Indianapolis CA-35 4 comments
scraner6 · 4 years ago
It was not sunk WHILE carrying one of the atomic bombs, it was sunk AFTER delivering one of the atomic bombs.
Sherlock it 9 comments
scraner6 · 4 years ago
The former daughter-in-law walked by without even acknowledging that they exist.
Give me your best 78 comments
scraner6 · 4 years ago
the extra mass required is taken from or added to you in random places.
Give me your best 78 comments
scraner6 · 4 years ago
Only against yourself and always negatively.
Give me your best 78 comments
scraner6 · 4 years ago
But you always miscalculate the elevation.
What's so confusing about english? 10 comments
scraner6 · 4 years ago
Which would mean the Daughter's name is Drunk.
What's so confusing about english? 10 comments
scraner6 · 4 years ago
By current grammar rules the She would refer to that last object, the daughter. Otherwise would be a dangling modifier. But I am no English major, so I may be wrong.
Haha what a lucky fella 9 comments
scraner6 · 5 years ago
Yeah...No. The last text that is half covered admits that he kill Epstein, which the real Bill would never admit to doing. Admit to -- No, Do -- Well......
Now you see the title 3 comments
scraner6 · 5 years ago
It is referring to vinyl records. Back in the day the best sounds came from vinyl records, and they were round. Basically it is saying you are as useless as a square record.
United breaks guitars 2 comments
scraner6 · 5 years ago
The 10% dip is a fallacy, it never once closed with a 10% dip and overall during the four weeks after the video came out July-9-2009 it nearly doubled in price:
Also the 3000 offered went to a charity that was partially owned by United.
Happy Elephant :3.. 3 comments
scraner6 · 5 years ago
so hopefully the OP knows this is not a real elephant but an animatronic elephant in Disney's Jungle Cruise.
Where is the damn remote!? 4 comments
scraner6 · 6 years ago
Have one on my dish Network. It is great. Only remote I can find, but I can find it.
Drawing with two pencils 4 comments
scraner6 · 6 years ago
Isn't this just called calligraphy?
Instant house 12 comments
scraner6 · 6 years ago
It can't build itself in 10 minutes, It can set itself up in 10 minutes. It would take months at least to build, if not years
Even in 1912 they were aware of climate change! 8 comments
scraner6 · 7 years ago
It was more than one article, I was taught this in my science class at the time. Note I am not denying climate change, just that science's "truths" change as new discoveries are found. I was taught that the carbon would cause less sunlight entering the lower atmosphere and would cause an ice age. so it was more than one article.