Never skip leg day 3 comments
· 10 years ago
What happened to his FACE?
Good guy pirate 5 comments
Movie theaters' food 10 comments
· 10 years ago
My comment? Sorry haha, a drink that you can buy for cheap in a shop was like £2.50 in the cinema:)
Movie theaters' food 10 comments
· 10 years ago
I was with my mum in a small cinema once and a bottle of drink (like 50p in home&bargain haha) and a bag of minstrels came to just over a fiver and I was shocked
You can't tell me what to do 21 comments
· 10 years ago
Keep stuff like this of FUNsubstance. This is a controversial topic and I highly doubt that people come on this website to have stuff like this shoved down thier throats. I come on this website to cheer up, and frankly I don't really don't care about this.
Someone please give him an umbrella :( 10 comments
· 10 years ago
My heart has literally just broken. He looks so sad, ohmygoodness I just want to go sit under an umbrella with him
If it fits it sits 31 comments
· 10 years ago
Mines by color and how much I like them, like I have a fav shelf with HP and Thg etc on itt
Disney movies inside other disney movies 10 comments
· 10 years ago
Some of these are a little vague but don't get me wrong most are very clever and sneaky
The most beautiful waterfall in the entire United States. 23 comments
· 10 years ago
Its the way they said it, like they were stupid whoever uploaded it, like Niagara falls are superior or whatever just because they are very famous. And OKAY I'm British and I thought Niagara falls were in Canada because I've seen them in Canada. Calm down. How is it 'flat out wrong'? Jesus
You don't need this kind of negativity 21 comments
The most beautiful waterfall in the entire United States. 23 comments
· 10 years ago
Yeah I know that NY and Canada but I've only been to the side in Canada. So that waterfall isn't entirely in the us.
Who knew playgrounds were so dangerous? 16 comments
Why you always need to wear underwear! 10 comments
· 10 years ago
Thanks, I was quite confused by 'only in Scotland' like what? Since when was Brisbane in Scotland?!
Why you always need to wear underwear! 10 comments
Wedding crashers 7 comments
· 10 years ago
Plus I've seen this photo with two different pictures of the text conversation:/
A very useful car trick 311 comments
· 10 years ago
The key opens the car doors automatically, and if the battery's die, they won't be able to open the doors. By removing that cover, the doors can be opened manually. Hope that makes sense