This restaurant employee who got real about the smoking area 6 comments
· 9 years ago
Yeah, but when non smokers get into smoking area they should get the idea that there are gonna be smokers and don't get mad about it. The problem is that non smokers go to smoking area and expect smokers to stop. So, just as smokers respect non smoking places, non smoking people should respect smoking areas.
Curtain from the apartment of a smoker after being put in a soap water. 21 comments
· 9 years ago
I know that this is a not so popular opinion but, guys, smokers know about this and about all the harm that we do to ourselves and our lungs, really, we are aware of that. Every smoker knows since the first time, but I really think that if we respect other people's space and if we smoke in our own homes, we should be respected as well and stop being bothered about the damage that we do to ourselves and our courtains. Please stop, smoking is a personal choice and should be respected just as we respect those who don't smoke.
Edited 9 years ago
Unique cave of crystals in Mexico 3 comments
· 10 years ago
No, it's not upside down. I got you a link with some inormation about this place. Hope you find it useful :) http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2008/11/crystal-giants/shea-text
A thought about the cosmos 21 comments
· 10 years ago
Human mind includes atheism and religion. I'm not a religious person but I admire faith and I respect every religion and belief in the world. If the only land we have to explore is the human mind then we should be grateful of the time we live in because human mind is the most vast and wonderful thing we will ever be able to discover. It would be great if we cross the "human mind frontier" but why not explore it? At the same time we would find the way to cross the ocean which, for sure, is not religion. Maybe the ocean is the arrogance of not wanting to explore the land we have in front of our eyes: the human mind.
Am I The Only One Wondering?! 16 comments
· 10 years ago
People still dying but only in Africa. As long as people don't get Ebola in America or in Europe, news won't give a damn about it. Sorry, my English is bad but I try my best.
Have you ever been so mad you cried in Spanish? 17 comments
ridiculously attractive joker 35 comments
· 10 years ago
I can't close this tab in my computer, I just can't. I've created a bond with this gif. I love it.
Share a coke with 7 comments
In light of the Iphone 6's flexibility... 18 comments
· 10 years ago
I don't get why you hate iPhones so much. I really like them and it has nothing to do with the name or the status it might give me but because iPhones are much more simpler than other phones and they are pretty (two good reasons to buy something) I know that they are really expensive but they are just another option in the market, if you don't like them or you can't afford them just don't buy them, but come on, don't call other people "sheep" just because of your irrational hate to a brand.
10 points for Slytherin 8 comments
Sleep Confusion! 8 comments
· 10 years ago
Once someone told me that this happens because your body dehydrates during the nap so the solution is to drink water before sleeping. It has worked for me.
Whenever I try to grow facial hair 11 comments
Wow 16 comments
· 10 years ago
I don't know why the downvotes. For being a 5 year old girl she has A LOT of makeup.
lie down. try not to cry. cry a lot. 14 comments
· 10 years ago
You're right... This may be even more interesting than the original statement...
Heavy breathing 5 comments
· 10 years ago
As far as I know it's illegal in Mexico to just run out of jail but I might be wrong... If this post says truth my country is going bad.