Beer 6 comments
· 11 years ago
Actually beer is healthy, if drank in moderation, there are many health benefits to it... Am I the only one who knows this? And here come the downvotes since everyone on this site likes to do so when somebody states a fact...
awesome google search 4 comments
· 11 years ago
It's because people take the photo and upload it on social media, tag it with the number listed and that's how this became possible, they did it so there would be all similar photos when you search the cryptic code. It was on the images, the explanation, as well. If you Google it, you'll see the explanation too.
Never ask the internet 10 comments
· 11 years ago
The times the comments we're posted at make no sense... they're all out of order?
Male/female deodorants 16 comments
· 11 years ago
How the fuck did I get down-voted for that? What was so terrible about my comment lmao people on this site are weird?
Male/female deodorants 16 comments
· 11 years ago
Actually, it doesn't matter what kind of deodorant or body spray you use; based on the chemicals and hormones in your body, testosterone and such, it will mix with the scent of the perfume and come off as masculine smelling or feminine smelling. Depends on the amount of each of those chemicals in your body as well though. :)
b*tch please 57 comments
· 11 years ago
Judging by the heart, I'm guessing "no, one direction!" haha sorry for the late comment :)
How to slow down cars on the road 22 comments
· 11 years ago
Never seen those and I live in Canada BUT we have tons of real potholes where I live...
Why called a fire truck 10 comments
Why called a fire truck 10 comments
· 11 years ago
Uhh guys, I don't think any firetrucks bring water?? That's what fire hydrants are for and why there is one every so many yards, isn't it? The truck brings the firemen and all their supplies, including the hose, connect it to the fire hydrant and then out out the fire.
Keep your voice down, it's not human! 26 comments
Keep your voice down, it's not human! 26 comments
· 11 years ago
Why hate on people who are pro-life? You can't say they're wrong for their beliefs. That's just fucking sad. Thought funsubstance was pretty cool 'til I read all these closed-minded fucking comments. And before you start hating on me and saying I'm probably pro-life too, well I see both sides of it and don't have a specific stance on the topic. I do, however, have an opinion on people who are narrow-minded, and that opinion is that you're fucking sad people.
Brief Canadian history 9 comments
Age has nothing to do with alcohol 6 comments
Age has nothing to do with alcohol 6 comments
· 11 years ago
Yep! I actually live on the border between Ontario and Quebec so I'm legal to drink in one place but not in the other haha.
Macklemore is awesome 29 comments
· 11 years ago
Lmao I'm sure you do, you make yourself sound so badass over the internet. And my name is my name, with two more m's on the end of it, how is that even anything to make fun of haha? Good defense, dude. You are terrible at arguments.
Age has nothing to do with alcohol 6 comments
· 11 years ago
Canada also has different legal drinking ages. Eighteen in Quebec, nineteen in Ontario, etc. Europe isn't the only place.
Oh thanks for clearing that up 8 comments
· 11 years ago
And people like me would avoid it cause I'd rather live in a haunted house :)
But I thought my penny would count! 9 comments
· 11 years ago
But you can still use them, so that doesn't really make sense. They are phasing them out, meaning they aren't producing any more pennies, and won't return them with the change we give back. We just round up or down to the nearest nickel. So you can still use them for donations, paying, cash them in at the bank, etc. It's legal tender, which means pennies can never be refused, but won't be dispersed anymore.