Heroes part time jobs part dos of san 11 comments
· 8 years ago
Why should Iron Man have part time job??
If world war II was a bar fight 20 comments
Artists agree? 14 comments
Artists agree? 14 comments
· 8 years ago
Bcuz just commenting pretty doesn't cut it, the artist deserves to know what they excel in the drawing they made :3
This fancy staircase leads directly into a wall 25 comments
He's adopted 19 comments
World keeps on spinning 20 comments
· 8 years ago
I mean, you'd also be pissed off if some brats from your school suddenly caused an uproar (eg. Beats n bullies nerds in sch) then news spread and when someone knows you're frm the same school they started saying bad things behind your back and keep distance.
World keeps on spinning 20 comments
· 8 years ago
Oh, now you wanna blame religions? Evil people doesn't have anything to do with their religions. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Cuz there are kind people regardless of where they are from, what tribe they are, what their genders are, what their religions are... It's sad that Islam people are taken as bad guys, I mean, they're victims!! While some of their people despise ISIS, they are hated by the community because ISIS is using Islam's name to cover their actions. You shouldn't judge people and group them w/o understanding them completely
She always wins afterall 3 comments
· 8 years ago
Whaddaya expect. U shdve shown some respect to ur mom. The prev generation raised us, they made you able to post this and for us to see your post here. They deserve a better reply (in my opinion).
Kids 2 comments
· 8 years ago
"Mommy what are broken condoms?"
"Uh.. they're your lovable nickname's , dear"
And the next day, children in the class started calling each other broken condoms
"Uh.. they're your lovable nickname's , dear"
And the next day, children in the class started calling each other broken condoms
When moms become trolls 8 comments
Philosophical Raptor is getting fancy. 10 comments
It just kept getting better 7 comments
Be half the person your dog is 9 comments
· 8 years ago
Whaddaya mean wif cat person? As a cat lover, this kinda piqued my interest