The Federal Reserve has injected $278 billion into the market and will continue until 8 comments
· 5 years ago
Trust me, by no means am I a fan of communism in the slightest
The Federal Reserve has injected $278 billion into the market and will continue until 8 comments
· 5 years ago
Yay, let’s devalue our fiat currency due to inflation. Great thinking!
Also for those of you who don’t know, the federal reserve isn’t part of the federal government. They loan money to the federal government and then the government has to pay it back with interest.
Also for those of you who don’t know, the federal reserve isn’t part of the federal government. They loan money to the federal government and then the government has to pay it back with interest.
Casual sexism 18 comments
Let's hear from the experts in the comments...Lol 13 comments
· 5 years ago
Well she isn’t wrong about saying that men getting married and then losing half or more of their stuff. Also moms have a massive advantage in custody battles
Activists, you said? 5 comments
· 5 years ago
I always wondered if these people actually take themselves seriously or if they are just massive trolls
Everything's alright guys, they're gay! 7 comments
Pro tip:DO NOT STEP ON A MINE 9 comments
· 7 years ago
Not always true, there are mines that wait for you to step off and then jump up to waist height before exploding. For example the German ww2 mine the "bouncing betty"
What 26 comments
· 7 years ago
The north was industrial and the South was agricultural, the South got all over their industrial products from Europe since Europe was cotton starved. This upset the industrial barons of the North so they put high tariffs on goods to and from Europe.
Seriously guest if you want to talk about history, log in and say it like a man. Yes slavery was wrong but that's not why the war started. If it was the Grants wife wouldn't have owned slaves throughout the duration of the war. Also the emancipation proclamation only freed the slaves in the south, not the North. And the emancipation proclamation didn't even happen until like midway through the war.
Rant over
Seriously guest if you want to talk about history, log in and say it like a man. Yes slavery was wrong but that's not why the war started. If it was the Grants wife wouldn't have owned slaves throughout the duration of the war. Also the emancipation proclamation only freed the slaves in the south, not the North. And the emancipation proclamation didn't even happen until like midway through the war.
Rant over
Things we didn't learn in high school 42 comments
Things we didn't learn in high school 42 comments
There are some good people around 10 comments
There are real consequences of mendacious actions 15 comments
· 7 years ago
I vehemently disagree with just about everything you just said. First off, women commit infanticide exponentially higher rate then men. Also men get screwed over by divorce courts and clearly the statistic isn't about suicide for men in general but specifically for men who commit suicide because they have little to no contact with their kids.
It's fun to put boys in the friend zone 14 comments
It's fun to put boys in the friend zone 14 comments
It was about time 39 comments
· 8 years ago
Yeah, it happens unfortunately. And I wanted Ron Paul, limited government across the board, I'll settle for trump before Hillary though, anyone but another Clinton
It was about time 39 comments
· 8 years ago
Well the Lusitania was a valid target of war since I'm pretty sure it was caring munitions, but we placed embargo's on the Japanese since they were invading people and then commuting atrocities. Yeah so it was totally undeserving of them to have embargoes placed against them, just as police shoot undeserving people all the time. Actually the police have never once shot anyone in the United States who hasn't deserved it, they are all baby murders. Also please please please don't tell me you like Hillary more than trump
It was about time 39 comments
· 8 years ago
Also we came late because we wanted to give you a chance to save face and retain some semblance of the ability to handle yourself, clearly wasn't the case, either time
It was about time 39 comments
· 8 years ago
Well I wouldn't expect anything out of Europe to help us out anyways, not with Muslim terrorists running rampant through your streets raping all your women and hacking people up with axes and running them over with trucks
It was about time 39 comments
· 8 years ago
Well you said Americans robbed the Germans from their own country and then you said that you would've fled Germany just like what actually happened with the Germans and Americans. Then you said we can't create any of our technology which then I refuted with Goddard and then you so kindly pointed out the Chinese created the original rocket. But at the end of the day who cares who has the original idea, it's about who uses it best. Which is as you pointed out is the good ole USA, so your welcome for saving you in back to back world wars
It was about time 39 comments