Daily dose of pancake yummies 17 comments
· 9 years ago
What the hell happened to the first one!
This is the name we should remember 13 comments
· 9 years ago
Its so stereotypical of people to say that a feminist would get mad because she could save herself. This isn't a matter of gender inequality, its an act if kindness and love and sacrifice. Anyone who would get offended by this in anyway and saying that it makes women look weak is an idiot. Shannon did an an act of human kindness and is a lifesaver. That does not mean that the woman is in any way weak because he helped saved her life, it takes lots of strength to survive too. Lets just appreciate what he did.
Desperate times call for desperate measures 20 comments
Occasional hugger right here 64 comments
I didn't write it but I couldn't have said it better! 32 comments
· 9 years ago
You wanna smoke , okay. But smoke inside someplace where only you will get cancer because of it, dont throw your cigarette butts out the window while driving, dont smoke in public where others breath in the smoke. Why should others have to suffer the consequences of your smoking? Wanna smoke great, but dont take others down with you. Its not a violation of your rights because you have the choice to smoke or not, however someone getting cancer because someone else wants to smoke is not cool.
Edited 9 years ago