*surgeon lets out girly shriek* 9 comments
· 6 years ago
some parts of the brain don't have any pain receptors so they leave you awake to perform surgery. the only pain I believe would be removal of the skull to access the brain.
The right words can mean the world to the right person 6 comments
· 6 years ago
@sunflowers never hesitate to ask to talk to someone, it can literally mean the difference between life or death. ask @grimreaper
The pony and the Shire 5 comments
A comedian's take on Bible 17 comments
A comedian's take on Bible 17 comments
· 6 years ago
I like to consider myself a Christian. I don't press my beliefs on other people and I like to know what other religions believe because I'm not an asshole and realize other people have spiritual beliefs that differ from mine. I believe my path is the way to salvation and I know that most other religions believe that as well. I'm not in any position to say that my religion is better than somebody else's because it is what that person believes and I'm not in the mood to go to war with someone over who their "God" or "deity" is. live a peaceful life, don't be a fucking asshole and respect others opinions because it won't change your life if they express it.
A comedian's take on Bible 17 comments
· 6 years ago
researching topics is critical. most people provide information the same way you received it so their conception of it could be fatally flawed.
Probably his mother's father's fault 5 comments
· 6 years ago
I would end it all...i hate it when a beard hair gets caught in my coat zipper...could you imagine fucking backyard getting caught in your pants or ankle hair getting caught in your socks...
How scallops move around 9 comments
How scallops move around 9 comments
· 6 years ago
lol no they are very mobile and have thousands of arms to help pry clams and shellfish open to destroy their insides. They have a beak...a fucking beak wtf
Edited 6 years ago
How scallops move around 9 comments
· 6 years ago
I took a biology class and starfish are literally monsters to shelled waterlife.
Another day another dollar 3 comments
· 6 years ago
as a letter carrier for the post office I can say I want to do that but unemployment doesn't look good on me.
I shipped my pants 4 comments
Flowers and Chocolate are Nice 14 comments
· 6 years ago
@Beth intimacy isn't just sex. people seem to have some ridiculous view of intimacy and it's relation to sex. definition of intimacy: close familiarity or friendship; closeness. so while I'm in the middle of this storm I offer her my companionship and we do things such as read the bible together and pillow talk. intimacy doesn't always lead to sex but it does lead to a healthier relation ship for us.
Flowers and Chocolate are Nice 14 comments
· 6 years ago
I agree with your comment guest. women and men who cheat are pieces of shits. if your goal in life is to be playful make sure you express that and don't get a family and/or a potential life partner involved. I lucked out with my wife what she lacks in sexual desires she makes up for in taking care of our family. she cooks, cleans, pays most of the bills, creates a sage and loving environment for our kids to grow up in. I can deal with a lack of sex in order for our family to be well taken care of. we have other forms of intimacy that we take advantage of.
Flowers and Chocolate are Nice 14 comments
· 6 years ago
no I read his post. I meant to reply to the picture not his post. I was simply stating my understanding of women through my personal relationship. I'm terribly sorry that she cheated on him but unfortunately not everybody is for the good of the relationship and they are only concerned about their self.
Flowers and Chocolate are Nice 14 comments
· 6 years ago
well the difficult thing to understand about women is they operate differently then we do. when we think about sex obviously it's a one track mind whereas on the other hand women think: am I sexy? does he really love me? is he having sex with another person? what are we having for dinner? When is our next vacation? Way time will I start cooking dinner? I wonder what job I'll be working in 20 years... I know it seems crazy but you have to take it to the extreme with this factor. my wife and I don't have sex often because were in a difficult time in our relationship. trying to get custody of my 7 year old daughter has put a financial, mental, physical, and emotional strain on our family. she can't sleep at night sometimes because she can't get her brain to calm down. so I have to disagree with above post. doing dishes laundry hasn't made my chances of having sex skyrocket...but it has put my wife's mind at ease because it's one less thing that she has to do in her already crazy day.
She didn't see that coming! 18 comments
· 6 years ago
I mean...its his opinion he's entitled too it even if it is an overwhelming amount of information. I couldn't respond earlier because I was at work and I couldn't fully concentrate on what @guest_ was saying. the meme hit a nerve with him and just like some posts I've made he had something he wanted to say. I just didn't understand what he was saying until this last post which was why I wanted clarification.
Lets not forget the time Shepard Smith was certain Florida was dead.....And your children 4 comments
· 6 years ago
lol I love how he said "if too many of you perish they will send me and I really need to go to this wedding"
Could come in handy 17 comments
· 6 years ago
even though it looks like 4 screws and two pieces of crafted metal.
Edited 6 years ago
Actually used photoshop 16 comments