Damn nature you scary 4 comments
· 6 years ago
fatality...the enemy has been executed
Flat earth memes 12 comments
· 6 years ago
apparently the edge of the world is in Alaska and were not"allowed" to be in that part of the world
Damn how did I not notice this before! 1 comments
This advent calendar gave me migraines 9 comments
· 6 years ago
one of the best benefits of birth control is you can bust wait 10 minutes and bust again!
What I wish to do with everyone that throws trash in the streets 5 comments
· 6 years ago
who needs subtlety...? he would just wait til the guy is gone and do it again. if I was a littered and someone did this to me I definitely wouldn't litter again
please.. don't :-X 14 comments
Nobody loves Kanye like Kanye 2 comments
Policeman run and tackle skill level 1000 15 comments
This suicide game is going so far 8 comments
· 6 years ago
@sephoria223 yes you can but this generation is so fucking stupid and naive because parents tend to shield them from bad shit or try to hide the fact that the world is a horrible place to live so when they get exposed to something like this they aren't prepared to handle it. And I think it's through whatsapp only but Satan and the horrible people that he attracts have not regard for human life.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 10 comments
This suicide game is going so far 8 comments
· 6 years ago
So this new thing is apparently momo wali will find you online. Will then pressure you to do a series of fucked up challenges and then the final challenge is to commit suicide. Apparently a few people have fallen prey to it.
Spinning woman optical illusion 10 comments
· 6 years ago
I retract my statement I was on my mobile when I looked at it and it appeared to flip.
Watermelon is a risky investment 11 comments
· 6 years ago
Expensive or not the point is when picking out a watermelon it's not up to the quality of melon that I like. I see no need to waste money on something I won't enjoy so I only do it during no fail seasons
Recharging her bionic arm like a boss 6 comments
· 6 years ago
If it's detachable then it would be easy to to get to charge it but if not....
Watermelon is a risky investment 11 comments
· 6 years ago
I fucking hate picking watermelons. I normally have good luck but then sometimes I pick watermelons that are just a bug giant ball of mush and that's gross
Spinning woman optical illusion 10 comments
Join the navy 8 comments
Check up on your "strong" friend 22 comments
· 6 years ago
You know it's quite funny how understanding kids can be...at 11 years old I had a really good understanding of life and death. My mom was grieving over the loss of her stepfather and sometimes that small voice from a child can be a beacon of light for you. Life lessons are valuable even to an 11 year old. I'm not saying force these down her throat but exposure to real life issues allows them to see that it's okay to cry and be emotional and they can be a great support. I don't know you but you sound like you have a beautiful heart.
Mounted police in Russia 7 comments
· 6 years ago
In Russia, police don't mount you...because they are women and they have standards