

— robbouche Report User
When marketers take it too far 8 comments
robbouche · 7 years ago
Lol gotta make the 5000 word count!!!
Clean up was easy. When it hit the news, people just started showing up with trashbags. 13 comments
robbouche · 7 years ago
"AIR-TIGHT" lol don't they mean air-full with lack of chips involved.
Guess I've never seen an owl's legs before 16 comments
robbouche · 7 years ago
Those claws can do the destructo
Ah, I remember when I found out the guy I was going out with was being paid to date me 40 comments
robbouche · 7 years ago
There is no ugly in today's society. Its a social construct designed to keep attractive people dating attractive people. I wish people would understand that there is more than just looks that determine who you are. Looks aren't going to mean shit when were all 50 years old and have droopy balls and saggy breasts. Ravenclaw wrinkles around the eyes and so much white in your hair you could be confused for a cue-tip. All people are beautiful and unique. p.s. @peach youre beautiful and don't let anybody tell you different. @Rosa I don't think ive seen your pic in the substers section but you are beautiful as well. :)
4 · Edited 7 years ago
It's time to change! 10 comments
robbouche · 7 years ago
through different learning activities. Make it fun, allow kids to take breaks if they become frustrated. Find a different method to teach. Our education system has a cookie-cutter build for a group of kids who are not round or square shaped. Teachers teach kids how to take a test not how to enjoy learning new content.
It's time to change! 10 comments
robbouche · 7 years ago
I honestly don't think its the classroom that's the problem. Its the children and how they are raised to be so dependent on technology they feel like that's the only way that they can learn. I was born on books. It was the best way for me to learn. I understand digitalizing things and making it easier to learn but there is a reason for reading content on a book or studying in a classroom. If the kids were more engaged in education, I think it would make a difference. Now, with that being said, our public education system is shit and I don't care for it too much. Its a necessary requirement for the future though and I do think its time for a change but I don't think technology is the way. The education system needs to understand if you remove the fun from school and don't let kids approach certain subjects the way that is best fit for them then it will continue to be a downward spiral. Standardized testing is a fucking joke for all. Teach content and help kids become more intelligent
Um, excuse me miss 11 comments
robbouche · 7 years ago
Do she got the booty? she deer, she deer got the booty
Iggy Iggy, too biggie to be here stressin' 10 comments
robbouche · 7 years ago
Why does she keep saying "Im fine"...obviously your not fine youre a 4/10 at best... LoL na im jk looks don't mean anything. But she does look like shes dying on the inside.
Girl cheated on boyfriend 34 comments
robbouche · 7 years ago
@celtic im sorry but who the fuck pays 10000$ for a pair of shoes...lf that much is being paid for those then priorities are not in line.
I mean cmon guys it's not going to happen 13 comments
robbouche · 7 years ago
@kaulin...if it came across as rude I didn't mean it that way. I know that its being discussed on the radio as well as papers. My apologies.
.haha 3 comments
robbouche · 7 years ago
probably should have made this nsfw
Hero Falcon saves Sleepy Squirrel from falling off deck! 11 comments
robbouche · 7 years ago
his claws. he went to the clawctor. they shaved down the sharp points so he could carry him softly to freedom.
Ah the teacher 7 comments
robbouche · 7 years ago
I have never understood why is it so different..But damn this made me laugh 12 comments
robbouche · 7 years ago
Ive seen the video of this and that dude is swinging those babies like a madman
I mean cmon guys it's not going to happen 13 comments
robbouche · 7 years ago
have you not paid attention to whats going on in the world around you? Im not calling you narrow minded but its everywhere. There will be a war soon it might not be with Russia but there will be one soon.
Hero Falcon saves Sleepy Squirrel from falling off deck! 11 comments
robbouche · 7 years ago
he got them shaved down just for this scenario. This falcon is exceptionally nice.
5 · Edited 7 years ago
Ah the teacher 7 comments
robbouche · 7 years ago
lol what a time to be alive. Kids having sex with teachers and teachers fascinating over students instead of teaching materials needed to help provide for their future.
Worst power you can be stuck with? 168 comments
robbouche · 7 years ago
Fear of rejection
Worst power you can be stuck with? 168 comments
robbouche · 7 years ago
Surprise! Lungs actually make blood 2 comments
robbouche · 7 years ago
hey look its a twotato!
This is why we love her 10 comments
robbouche · 7 years ago
2012...what the actual fuck. who walks around as a blender attachment
Vv sleepy doggo does a sploosh 4 comments
robbouche · 7 years ago
yay bath time!!!
About to wheelchair into court 10 comments
robbouche · 7 years ago
dude that's awful customer service.
Keeping it Fresh Yo 6 comments
robbouche · 7 years ago
or right after the introduction lol so at least they feel included.
My tiny fluff bear! 6 comments
robbouche · 7 years ago
@trika I agree with you 100% im just glad hes not an inside cat because if he was we probably would be his next victims. I can see it now... Breaking headline: Cantankerous cat destroys family one at a time. First with the mother because she was the lightest sleeper and he knows that because he tracks our moves. Next to fall was the loving father, he made sure the cat was well fed. He will be missed.