Lies down, tries not to cry, cries a lot! (Feels Everywhere) 45 comments
· 8 years ago
Im at work sitting over here with tears in my eyes...Animal stories like this get me every damn time!
No sh*t 4 comments
· 8 years ago
and then you have to deal with the side effects of fish poop in your rice.
Probably still alive 33 comments
Behind the mask of Deadmau5 3 comments
One seriously greedy cat 8 comments
Perks of being a support 7 comments
Perks of being a support 7 comments
· 8 years ago
ahhhhh. the good old WoW days. I remember being a beast healer on my paladin.
Needles over time- don't reuse them! 30 comments
· 8 years ago
I had a very poor past and I dabbled in many drugs. I have a very addictive personality and I'm glad I never tried this stuff.
The sad fact of the matter 9 comments
The sad fact of the matter 9 comments
· 8 years ago
la, Friday is the day of relaxation and the beginning of a wonderful 2 day period of time where you don't have to worry about work.
Needles over time- don't reuse them! 30 comments
· 8 years ago
I think I would be more worried about the flesh its going to tear out of your arm after you inject whatever drug of your choice.
just a fun and friendly reminder 29 comments
· 8 years ago
If your vag is loose during intercourse that means that you are more relaxed. A loose vague isn't always a bad thing...that means you can do more courageous positions!!!
Darkest of darkest 41 comments
You know the reasons 15 comments
f*cking cool! 13 comments
· 8 years ago
This is also where mother of pearl comes from. My wife got me one as a wedding ring. Very beautiful ring but delicate.
At this time of the year in Japan, Asian giant hornets begin to emerge from hibernation 23 comments
· 8 years ago
I wonder if they remove their stingers and keep them as pets...I would have his jaws removed and feed him animal smoothies.
Everyone took each others sisters to prom 17 comments
· 8 years ago
I go by what I have been taught or heard. May have been because I was mixed ethnicity I got more scholarships or benefits for my parents I'm not sure. You can self identify with whatever makes you feel best. My wife is also a teacher and in the alcohol system they base the child's race off the father...so it could be that as well.
Everyone took each others sisters to prom 17 comments
· 8 years ago
In regard to our state when it asks for race you put what race your father is and not all people can self-identify with outward appearance because what if someone is albino or a black man has extremely light skin that makes him look white or Hispanic.
Everyone took each others sisters to prom 17 comments
· 8 years ago
race is taken from the father...which is a weird situation for me because my father is Hispanic but I have a white persons last name...which isn't even mine its my sisters because my mother decided to keep her married name after she divorced. So technically if I follow my fathers race I should be Hispanic and so should my daughter although she is half Hispanic half black.
Alarm clocks have evolved 19 comments
· 8 years ago
that is a dumb idea for someone like me because if the alarm isn't right by my ears I wont hear it..."go ahead fall off if you want to...you will just continue to go off until you have no more battery juices."