

— Roanoke Report User
You're hired! 7 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Always ask for more. If they can, they’ll give it to you. If they can’t, they’ll say so. Either way, they’ll know you wanted more and it will give you some leverage when you come back and ask for more.
This holiday is about to get OUT of control 3 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
I’m with you. They haven’t seen offensive. CAH is much better at it.
Everyone here can probably relate 12 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
But is that because *you* aren’t interesting or because *they* aren’t interesting. Maybe they don’t have enough curiosity and wonder at the world (and its many pigeons) to be interested. So it’s probably not personal. :)
Extra garlic 5 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Right? Now I want garlic bread.
Considerable option tbh 4 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Yes!! They have bumper stickers too!
There’s also one that says, Cthulhu 2020 why choose the lesser evil?
Simply the best 22 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Most often the children take the father’s name or hyphenate both parents’ names. Sometimes they take the mother’s name, but you see that less often.
Can anyone identify this rock? 11 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Might be jade
Simply the best 22 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Traditionalism is better for some people. It sounds like it’s best for you. But it is not for all people. And there’s no shame in either choice.
4 · Edited 4 years ago
Simply the best 22 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
That’s cute, but women started not changing their identity before 2014 and some tumbler bull. Its actually a big hassle to change your name and if you’re a professional that has built a career with your name/identity changing it is sort of a big deal. There’s like reasons.
Where is the 1%??? 6 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Wtf does that even mean?
Simply the best 22 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
I find it interesting that folks are so confused by a woman not changing her last name (to his), but the suggestion that a man change his last name (to hers) is not even on the table.
We all goofs 5 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
You can make it work. ;)
Covid pros and cons 11 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Quarantine is just for now. I guess that makes it hard for new sexy time... you’ll just have to get serious the second quarantine is lifted.
Covid pros and cons 11 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Don’t give up. There’s still time.
Oh look it’s an idiot who lost her glasses (aka me) 11 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Aw that really cool. I wasn’t sure if someone was creating these or if it was automated.
Covid pros and cons 11 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
You have to unlock it in level 3.
Oh look it’s an idiot who lost her glasses (aka me) 11 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
What are y’all using to make these? I think I missed the first one.
Covid pros and cons 11 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Where is the 1%??? 6 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Also, where was this poll taken, I mean what is population answering, that it is unanimous?
I would die for Dexter 9 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Dexter is distracting me from my work rn.
Why even use a gender neutral bathroom if you're going to be uncomfortable with 16 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Yeah. Not sure using the bathroom is an “extra right.” Problem with saying you have to use the bathroom that matches the sex on your birth certificate is that who is checking? Like, do we just show state issued ID, or is some doing crotch checks?
I’ve heard anecdotes from more than one woman (birth certificate says so) that were harassed going into a women’s room because someone thought they looked a little too much like a man. It’s crotch checks, or just let people use the restroom.
Help! 10 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Be genuinely you. Interviewers can tell when you aren’t being genuine and it reads as a lie.
Don’t be nervous about being nervous. They know you’ll be be nervous and they take that into account.
Prepare some questions to ask.
It solves everything 4 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
I like it. Simple but effective.
The end is near friends 2 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
Don’t forget tornadoes. In my area we have had a few devastating tornadoes in major cities. Most recently, we had 55,000 people out of power for almost a week.
At least they can sell the adapter for like 50 bucks or more 10 comments
roanoke · 4 years ago
It would seem we agree on something!! ;)