burn 7 comments
· 9 years ago
There's also context. Did she have her phone out the whole time or did she say "sorry let me shoot a quick text"?
If she was on a blind date she probably has to check in with friends so they know she's alright. Texting during a date is not cool but nor is taking off to the bathroom and ditching. Maybe he was a huge douche and she was trying to get a ride out of there?
If she was on a blind date she probably has to check in with friends so they know she's alright. Texting during a date is not cool but nor is taking off to the bathroom and ditching. Maybe he was a huge douche and she was trying to get a ride out of there?
Ice Cube Stones - Make your drinks cold without watering it down 29 comments
· 9 years ago
They're generally small granite or marble rocks, which stay cold longer than normal stones you find on the ground.
Quite a surprise 14 comments
"Technically" they were not really cheating 13 comments
Gender pay gap 9 comments
· 9 years ago
They get paid more because that is who most people are watching for. Same reason the athletes get paid more than the cheerleaders.
Just an observation I made 21 comments
· 9 years ago
How about we stop calling it friendzone and call it what it is - they don't like you that way, get over it
Our priorities are so messed up, get it together man 24 comments
· 9 years ago
That's what I thought. I haven't actually seen anyone offended either
Just in case you were still lost... 59 comments
Easy marshmallow shooters 8 comments
Morticia was one of us 11 comments
· 9 years ago
This is the older original and I believe the actors were actually the same age. Pugsley was supposed to be a large, oafish boy and Wednesday was supposed to be a petite, devilish girl. He just had a large growth spurt
that was a close one 43 comments
· 9 years ago
It was a good post. It doesn't need to be a sign from God. People need to learn to take things with a grain of salt. Maybe his brain was so fogged up with earlier arguments he wasn't thinking properly and that's how he missed it was emptied. And by taking a moment to think, he saw what he missed. Bam, as good of a point without the religion and the whiners can get over it.
Well, shit 21 comments
· 9 years ago
You clearly do give a fuck. You're so offended you were rejected, you feel the need to call them a lying whore. Work on your people skills and you may get a real number for once.
Well, shit 21 comments
· 9 years ago
To everyone saying "don't give a fake number" it's not that easy. I have said no so many times and it's turned out badly. I've tried to walk away and had people grab my arms and yell at me. It's easier and safer sometimes to give a fake number
Mind blown (literally) 40 comments
How a zoo SHOULD look 13 comments
I still cry whenever I remember that movie 22 comments
· 9 years ago
I read the book in elementary school and when the movie came out I knew I could never see it. Ever.
sorry, rest of the world 13 comments
· 9 years ago
The only time I use Fahrenheit is talking about pool temperature. Only. I don't even understand it, I just know it's cold around high sixties, seventies it's nice, 80s is warm and 90s is what my grandma's old friends from Florida always wanted it at and that felt nasty like bathwater.
All through elementary school I knew a boy named Couper (not Cooper). Until grade 6 teachers would advise he spelt his name wrong until he brought his birth certificate in.
We he got his licence it came back saying Cooper. When he called to complain saying he filled out his form very clearly, they told him they figured he spelt his own name wrong. That kids, is why you leave well-enough alone.