Well how about that 16 comments
· 10 years ago
I'm not agreeing with her but she probably got upset because she thought he was calling her fat. And if he is, that was just stupid. Honestly, there's nothing wrong with finding short people or fat people unattractive. What you like is what you like. There is something wrong with belittling someone for being that way though.
I never noticed before 30 comments
· 10 years ago
In English, when you say "and" you're implying a decimal point. One hundred and five would be 100.5 written out
Seriously, why isn't there a color system like this in place already? What a great idea 8 comments
· 10 years ago
My dog has gotten that way in her old age. She doesn't like young whippersnappers sniffing her butt anymore so she gets a little growly
Seriously, I don't know what I did wrong 39 comments
· 10 years ago
Do you initiate hang outs or events? That could be one culprit. A friend of mine will say "you never text me" but during that time she never texted me either. It goes both ways.
Is there one member of the group who you don't get along with, and perhaps they've been there longer? Friendships can be very political and people will often outcast one person for the sake of harmony, which is not your fault.
Are you only the funny guy? Try to establish relationships that are more genuine. You don't just want to be the funny one, you also need to be the one who someone can turn to on a bad day.
And lastly, are you trying too hard? Making people laugh is awesome but if you're constantly pushing to be the funny guy, it can come off as unnatural and awkward, like the person who laughs just a little too hard.
I am not a doctor or anything, but these are some suggestions based off personal experience in situations. Not sure if you wanted real suggestions but here you are!
Is there one member of the group who you don't get along with, and perhaps they've been there longer? Friendships can be very political and people will often outcast one person for the sake of harmony, which is not your fault.
Are you only the funny guy? Try to establish relationships that are more genuine. You don't just want to be the funny one, you also need to be the one who someone can turn to on a bad day.
And lastly, are you trying too hard? Making people laugh is awesome but if you're constantly pushing to be the funny guy, it can come off as unnatural and awkward, like the person who laughs just a little too hard.
I am not a doctor or anything, but these are some suggestions based off personal experience in situations. Not sure if you wanted real suggestions but here you are!
Some advice I remembered today that possibly saved my life 22 comments
· 10 years ago
It helps older vehicles pass emissions tests. Put some premium fuel in, drive a bit and get it hot and you'll probably pass every time
legend 36 comments
· 10 years ago
To be fair, he didn't tear down a religion. He didn't say Catholic, Christian Reform, Muslim, etc. He said any religion that pushes those beliefs. Which makes his point that much stronger and shows he isn't just painting all people with the same brush.
What I wore to see The Hobbit 25 comments
· 10 years ago
FYI you can buy a dress, bathing suit, leggings and shirt from Black Milk if you're looking for this
I'm not a prude, but 29 comments
· 10 years ago
It's never a good idea even if it's your partner and you trust someone. My boyfriend's friends borrow his phone or he shows them a picture on it. All it takes is one swipe to the left or right and they can see more of me than I want them to. I've seen more of my friend's boyfriends than I've ever wanted to by accidentally flipping past a friend's holiday pics. Eep
The truth about parenting 1 comments
Drugs in school 7 comments
· 10 years ago
There is some truth but some people will pressure you. A group of kids won't approach you to do drugs then point and laugh when you say no. But even at the age of 24, my boyfriend has never tried pot and has no desire to. His friends still say they want him to get high once or at least try it. He says no, they drop it but they bring it up enough that's technically pressuring. I think they should do a better job teaching that it's more likely your friends who will ask or pressure, and majority of the time they won't care if you say no. If they do, they're not real friends.
Which one is your favourite? 26 comments
· 10 years ago
I called Gary in my Pokemon Yellow "Asshole" and I always cracked up when professor Oak would say "look it's my grandson - asshole!"
It's just in our nature 20 comments
· 10 years ago
Thank you. Hitler wouldn't have been a nice person who gave out puppies if there was no religion. People will always have a reason to hate one another no matter what
Voluntarily doing a gluten-free diet is pretty much the stupidest thing 28 comments
· 10 years ago
Hr2burn, white bread is garbage for you. It's not the gluten in it that makes it bad, it's the processed sugar and nutrient-less starch carbs that make it bad for you
When someone makes jokes about canadians 6 comments
Great actors. No Oscars 23 comments
· 10 years ago
Liam Neesan and Ralph Fiennes (don't hate if I spelt those wrong) look so much alike it kills me.
Friendzone 23 comments
· 10 years ago
I'll probably get down voted but I don't think this is bullshit. I think this is incredibly accurate. Maybe the dark blue could be something else and there could probably be a few other options, but for the large part I think guys and girls get "friendzoned" (I hate the term) because they do nothing.
I can't even explain the number of times people have said to me they like someone but that person only sees them as a friend, and when I ask if they asked them out, 90% of the time the answer is no.
I can't even explain the number of times people have said to me they like someone but that person only sees them as a friend, and when I ask if they asked them out, 90% of the time the answer is no.
To girls who wish to have bigger breasts 28 comments
Clueless when it comes to girls 34 comments
· 10 years ago
And always ask the guy/girl out! Because the worst that will happen is they say no. While that sounds scary, in your 70-100 years of life, that moment will be minor if it doesn't work out but could be major if it did. Never hide how you feel
I Think it's a cute idea 25 comments
perfect 35 comments
· 10 years ago
It's been so long since I've seen lion king, but I thought he sang "I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts"
just one more reason on the list 23 comments
· 10 years ago
Juuuust to be that person, if it said "this is why no one likes black people" this would be very different