

You thought I was dead? That's okay, I thought I was in Oklahoma

— RavenTastic Report User
fact checking is racist 11 comments
raventastic · 7 years ago
It's true, it's damn true
But you better stop fact checking, ya damn racists
Decisions, decisions 19 comments
raventastic · 7 years ago
Damn, I never even thought of that
raventastic · 7 years ago
Yup, it did
Decisions, decisions 19 comments
raventastic · 7 years ago
See, but the amount of time and money you would save would add up. If you have a 15 minute commute to work 5 days a week, you gained 2.5 hours of time to do whatever you want to do if you could teleport
Communism ftw 19 comments
raventastic · 7 years ago
I agree, damage control for the win
Communism ftw 19 comments
raventastic · 7 years ago
@carne_asada Thanks, I needed that. Time to eat a Snickers, cause I'm not me when I'm hungry
Communism ftw 19 comments
raventastic · 7 years ago
Yes, because questioning one's intelligence and education is criticism. First of all, I never told you that you weren't allowed to state your opinions. If you can find me telling you that at any point in time, please do so, and show me. Secondly, I'm hardly offended. You're taking me way more seriously than I've ever taken myself. Now if you'd excuse me, I've got a life to live outside of dealing with an argumentative assclown on a meme website, and quite frankly, I've wasted enough of my time on you as is. Good day.
Communism ftw 19 comments
raventastic · 7 years ago
If you call that a temper tantrum, I doubt you've ever been on the internet! See, that's called being a sarcastic asshole, that's just what I am. In case you didn't know, I don't think you're the grand master of comedy and I don't think you're an intellectual. No need to take everything I say seriously.
Oh, and by the way, next time, try not to mistake criticism with insults. There IS a difference, you know. One is helpful, the other makes you look like a jackass.
*dun dun* 8 comments
raventastic · 7 years ago
I legitimately imagined an episode in my head while reading this and yes, this fit perfectly lol
Communism ftw 19 comments
raventastic · 7 years ago
IN SOVIET RUSSIA... communism is still a joke
Communism ftw 19 comments
raventastic · 7 years ago
So I post a stupid meme on a meme website and my intelligence is questioned? Sorry my sence of humour doesn't quite line up with yours, oh grand master of all that is funny. See, I prefer stupid humour, childish humour, crude humour and downright random humour. Just because an individual finds humour in stupid things does not mean that said individual is stupid. My apologies if I found this funny and you didn't, please show me what is really funny, so I may change my meme page to fit the mind of an true intellectual, such as yourself.
Communism ftw 19 comments
raventastic · 7 years ago
Hey dingus, communism itself is a joke
Communism ftw 19 comments
raventastic · 7 years ago
Hey dingus, the stereotype is the joke
The best festival 6 comments
raventastic · 7 years ago
Blasphemy 2 comments
raventastic · 7 years ago
I always put my salsa on mom's spaghetti
Some cute couple situations 11 comments
raventastic · 7 years ago 1
Butt nuggets for sale 3 comments
raventastic · 7 years ago
Hey, long distance is hard y'know
Sexy text 5 comments
raventastic · 7 years ago
Dabbing back in my day 13 comments
raventastic · 7 years ago
And if you're not down with that, we've got 2 words for ya..
How to destroy the world 29 comments
raventastic · 7 years ago
Tzar Bomba
Relatable 2 comments
raventastic · 7 years ago
That's what he gets trying to fly United
Jesus car 246 comments
raventastic · 7 years ago
Jesus car 246 comments
raventastic · 7 years ago
Jesus car 246 comments
raventastic · 7 years ago
Yeah cause you're there lol