

— ravenclaw67impala Report User
Anon hates koalas 5 comments
ravenclaw67impala · 1 year ago
I always thought koalas were marsupials and not mammals. Turns out, a marsupial is a type of mammal. Thank you interesting post for making me look this up and learning something new today.
The Adventures of Bayou Billy 12 comments
ravenclaw67impala · 2 years ago
This is deeply concerning. Why would a child want to split her parents up? My guess is she likes watching others in pain. Having experienced something similar with a so-called “friend” having me arrested for who knows what reason, I would keep a very close eye on this child. She may start hurting animals and showing other psychopathic or sociopathic tendencies. Those poor parents…My heart goes out to them for having this demon daughter.
Bee Cute Furry Face 1 comments
ravenclaw67impala · 3 years ago
Bee-y McBeeface
Nintendogs basically 6 comments
ravenclaw67impala · 4 years ago
This really brightened my day as we just had to put our family dog down yesterday...
Anti-vaxx=anti-human 13 comments
ravenclaw67impala · 4 years ago
Yes, but they don’t have the same chemical formulas. CO and CO2 do not have the same atoms in them. They are one off from each other. The mirror image ones do have the exact same chemical formula and number of atoms in them, they are just arranged differently. It’s what makes them so difficult to work with.
Anti-vaxx=anti-human 13 comments
ravenclaw67impala · 4 years ago
Isn’t Tamiflu the drug that has two atom arrangements that are mirror images of each other? One is super toxic and the other one is really helpful? I think I remember learning something about R and S stereochemistry in first year university. It’s the same chemical formula but different atom arrangement and that’s what makes the drug so difficult. So if that’s the case, I could see why the parent would be reluctant to give it to their child; but, if the doctor did prescribe it then it’s probably the best treatment and is just straight up negligence on the parent’s part for not giving it to their child. Though, why wasn’t there another drug for these flu-like symptoms that could have been better prescribed for the child than Tamiflu? Why was that drug specifically chosen? I could be entirely wrong here and I’m too lazy to look it up but I think this rings a bell from university many years ago...
Damn straight! 10 comments
ravenclaw67impala · 4 years ago
Is this some American joke I’m too Australian to understand?
Well.....F**k !!! 5 comments
ravenclaw67impala · 4 years ago
He looks like Hide the Pain Harold...
I can get behind that 3 comments
ravenclaw67impala · 4 years ago
Well, they didn’t call him a weeb. They called him a dweeb.
Caring friends, sh*tty god, kid 5 comments
ravenclaw67impala · 4 years ago
Why is that one guy not wearing sunglasses like the others?
My boss in a nutshell 2 comments
ravenclaw67impala · 5 years ago
It’s leviOsa, not leviosA!
This story is gold 4 comments
ravenclaw67impala · 5 years ago
Thanks for this very in depth analysis. I did not know I needed this information until now. Very well said so thank you.
We are One ! 10 comments
ravenclaw67impala · 5 years ago
Once we know
That we are, we're all stars
And we see that
We're all in this together
And it shows
When we stand hand in hand
Make our dreams come true
Plane door be ballin 4 comments
ravenclaw67impala · 5 years ago
What’s it supposed to say?
ravenclaw67impala · 5 years ago
So majestic...
This story is gold 4 comments
ravenclaw67impala · 5 years ago
Well, what did you find out. Does it stick?
Breadwinner 4 comments
ravenclaw67impala · 5 years ago
Is he the guy from the math problems?
This dude is escorted by police to buy 24 loaves of bread. The police take 6 loaves. How many loaves does this dude have left? Show your work.
Meanwhile, in austria 4 comments
ravenclaw67impala · 5 years ago
Canberra is the capital city of Australia. Sydney is just the capital of New South Wales, a state of Australia.
It sounds legit 3 comments
ravenclaw67impala · 5 years ago
And what evidence do you have to support this theory?
But bricks are heavier than feathers 4 comments
ravenclaw67impala · 5 years ago
Well, technically speaking, yes, but I always thought feathers were heavier because you have to live with the guilt of what you did to those poor birds.
Who can relate ? 17 comments
ravenclaw67impala · 5 years ago
...oh... Union-ized makes much more sense. I read the post as un-ionized and was so confused.
I hope they remember you 2 comments
ravenclaw67impala · 5 years ago
Oh wow, selling bath water is a whole new level of weird. Also, this is the first time I’ve been tagged in a comment. I feel honoured to be summoned.
I'm proud of this community 8 comments
ravenclaw67impala · 5 years ago
Is no one going to question where the other 1% is?
P L U M P 2 comments
ravenclaw67impala · 5 years ago
...in a pear tree!
Plz oak I'm just a kid 1 comments
ravenclaw67impala · 5 years ago
There's a time and place for everything, but not now.