i am a rainicornmaster. You are all peasants under me. Bow down to my throne
— rainicornmaster Report User
Dont't drink and drive 14 comments
· 11 years ago
back in the good ole days! hahaha.
Tip for the college kids buying groceries 21 comments
Whenever a funsuber talks about their "girlfriend" 73 comments
· 11 years ago
it was all a joke just lets chill haha like we don't have to write long paragraphs about how mad you are. Im just playing around sorry if it offend anyone.
Whenever a funsuber talks about their "girlfriend" 73 comments
· 11 years ago
well im sorry that we have a cute ass relationship and you all are jealous since it seems like you all are on this shit all day and live at your parents house and you can't get a girl to touch your wang. So calm yourself. All of your senses of humor sucks dick haha. We were just messing and proving you wrong for the hell of it holy fucking shit balls. So check yourself before you wreck yourself
Whenever a funsuber talks about their "girlfriend" 73 comments
· 11 years ago
ohhhhh yea we like to be cranky because you got showed up and u like to be a wittle bitch about it cuz we gotchu. AWWWWW YIISSSSSSS. Sucka wang. and your a disgrace to jesus, so go fuck yourself faggot
Whenever a funsuber talks about their "girlfriend" 73 comments
· 11 years ago
omg!!hahaha okay so i get screenshots then upload them on the comments ??
Whenever a funsuber talks about their "girlfriend" 73 comments
· 11 years ago
humpdaaaaaaaayyyyy is my gf doe and we hump on hump day xD lololololol