

Smart, funny attractive?
Lets add the inability to interact with peopel, social awkwardness, no actual skills and anxiety

— Proxxxy Report User
If you think about it 13 comments
proxxxy · 9 years ago
You can't just discount the extremists though, people understand the difference and know they aren't synonymous. This is like saying that we should just stop fighting Isis because they 'aren't real islams'. No, we understand the difference but will keep calling out extremists and shaming them for that because it's the only way to stop the extremists
Spring breakers 15 comments
proxxxy · 9 years ago
That's sort of like schoolies in Australia. They've started locking the balconies at some hotels because people were jumping for one reason or another or were falling off
Graffiti with a reflection 11 comments
proxxxy · 9 years ago
I think street art like this looks really cool but get frowned upon because it is 'graffiti'. I understand how some people might not like it on their property or if it is rude/making a political statement but art like this is amazing. Graffiti tags and pictures of dicks everywhere though do get annoying.
Wait, so this isn't how most people sit to relax 26 comments
proxxxy · 9 years ago
It's an artistic representation. it's not meant to be 100% realistic. They way she is sitting and how it frames the image are used to show things the artist wants you to see. it shows the way you are meant to perceive her. Its an over dramatic representation. I don't see you questioning this .We all know that superman or batman aren't the depiction on an average person. It's impossible for a person to look the way they are portrayed. it's meant to be that way for a purpose. comics are meant to be over dramatic.
Let me give you some more:
~ pro tip for artists - no ones hair actually looks like that. omg just draw normal hair
~ pro tip for artists - the steam from the drink doesn't even look like that in real life. have you ever SEEN coffee hurr durr
~ pro tip for artists - stop taking creative license and expressive yourself, you have to do everything the 'right' way, my way. I know, because I'm a tumblrina who knows everything
True though 6 comments
proxxxy · 9 years ago
*cough* tumblr stop like whoring of reddit *cough*
Ladies and gentlemen, Cumberbatch and Chris Pine 14 comments
proxxxy · 9 years ago
shhhh..... *checks for people* *stabby-stabby-stab* *whispering* What fading shoulders? huehuehue
Ladies and gentlemen, Cumberbatch and Chris Pine 14 comments
proxxxy · 9 years ago
It sort of looks like Liam Hemsworth
Finally 24 comments
proxxxy · 9 years ago
Stay in school 16 comments
proxxxy · 9 years ago
It's not at all bad, infact it's a great score, but believing that you are that great at something isn't really great for self esteem when you get out in to the real world where not everyone is the best at everything and not everyone wins a medal
Don't stare 11 comments
proxxxy · 9 years ago
It looks like he has Progeria which is really sad if you want to google it. It basically means that when the kids are born they age really quickly. They get weak, arthritis, possibly going partially blind, deafness, all the things that older people get at like 6-7
Equality 45 comments
proxxxy · 9 years ago
they did say the child at the start. Do you want the sentence to be 'The child should always go to the parent who can take are of the child better'?
Equality 45 comments
proxxxy · 9 years ago
Children only need to be breast fed for so long. After that point it becomes irrelevant. Even if it is before that point, fathers an find other ways to feed their child
Currently assuming fetal position 20 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
We once had only 1 section red one and managed to fix it before it went full ring of death
He knows he`ll get burned, and still won`t use protection 4 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
I don't think they'd be legal wives though would they? or just partners?
I have a test tomorrow. Have I sufficiently studied? no 6 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
Just wrote practice history essay. It is now 11pm. Should be sleeping, am not sleeping
Nom 6 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
When someone asks if you really need to be eating that last piece of pizza *chew chew* yes bitch *chew chew*
Double standards 22 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
1 like = 1 pray for these poor unfortunate souls 16 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
I doubt all these people actually have their names as these. You are sort of a prick if it says something like that
The Favorite Child 6 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
The kid in the front only has the helmet because he will be the first one, and mostl ikely one to die, if they had a head on collision
Fossilized Teeth of a T-Rex 7 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
Its a historical and archeological artifact. You waer glives so the oils in your hand, or anything else on your hands, can ruin them
Like a hotdog in a corridor 21 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
Im highly concerned that she looks kind of like my grade 7 teacher but fatter
Fossilized Teeth of a T-Rex 7 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
Highly doubting this. Even if it was, why is he holding it like that and with no gloves on.
Devestating animated movies 25 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
Omg just watch the opening scene of the plague dogs. If you love any animals it will leave you so sad and devastated
Please it's not just me 17 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
Nope. Am I the only one who will realize this is a just a stupid post because everyone in their right mind will think this looks stupid and it is just agreeing with their beliefs so they up vote it? Probably
Amazing. 6 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
I didn't at first, Neither did my eight foreign neighbors