

Smart, funny attractive?
Lets add the inability to interact with peopel, social awkwardness, no actual skills and anxiety

— Proxxxy Report User
Omg tiffany 6 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
I think he just had a stroke... Should we like, call someone?
I've sketched the biggest lie of this century 20 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
It's beyond wrong? Okay then, you go draw it. It isn't meant to be completely accurate it is a representation and statement about what our society wants and expects versus what happens. It shows how women are 'pressured' into wearing push up bras and men are being lied to and convinced that that is what all women should be like. If you actually paid attention to what was said before, it's meant to insinuate a push up bra or water bra that makes your boobs look bigger and this was the easiest way for him to represent that. He wasn't pretending to know anything. Also, do you really expect men to know every thing about bras and bra sizes when I know so many WOMEN who don't know anything about them?
Problem solved 23 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
actual conversation between me and my friend
What 50 shades of grey has taught us 5 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
... it says it in the title and I feel like everyone got it anyway
BTW GT concept 7 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
I wasn't sure when I was first looking at it but it's starting to grow on me. I wouldn't buy one but it sure does look nice
we have your sole!!! 6 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
I'm 100% done with non-original comments which have been repeated a millions times on tumblr
Absolute nutters 38 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
THATS WHAT MY FUCKING POINT IS!! THEY THINK IT IS ABSOLUTELY RANDOM AND CRAZY AND HARDCORE WHICH THEY FIND HILARIOUS! We find this funny because we know it isn't. I'm talking from THEIR, perspective random doesn't equal hardcore or funny
Absolute nutters 38 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
It's people thinking that doing completely normal things is so out of this world and crazy. They think what they are doing is odd or unexpected. Pretty much textbook definition of random. To clarify, what they are doing isn't random but, the people think it is and neither is funny. Sorry for you know, not writing that all out the first time. I didn't think you'd all need the full explanation of a fairly simple idea
· Edited 10 years ago
Fabulous 6 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
I live how at 1:17 he stops to wave then looks back to check they are gone and jams out again. And he totally nails the 'rap' part
3 · Edited 10 years ago
Guy asks parents to name characters from Super Smash Bros 34 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
I love the ones that are 'I want that body' and 'your mum 20 years ago and 'your dad' and 'me'
They keep us quiet. We have to find our voice. 8 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
Why? Not provocative just curious
A moral dilemma 20 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
I was going to say it's got to be something where he is selfless and like gives up his keys so more can fit in but I wouldn't have said it that well
we have your sole!!! 6 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
It sort of looks like a weird version of the Grinch. Like a Simpson-sy version of what the Grinch would look like
Absolute nutters 38 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
random ≠ funny
Bread 9 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
It's like he's just seen the world in a whole new way. No longer can he consume all the bread he needs to fill his ever lingering hunger. Alas, he must find a new snacking food
The Ebola virus wiped out every mother from the village of Joeblow, Liberia 32 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
Yes, you would be scared but they would have people there to help and translate for the kids. Tell them what is happening and how they are there to help.
Every time I open Facebook 43 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
Why not both? *mexican music*
The Ebola virus wiped out every mother from the village of Joeblow, Liberia 32 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
Do you honestly think they want to hurt the kids? They are trying to save them and help them. If they are infected they will just make others infected to. They need to be checked and/or treated then be given to people who will care for and look after them. They don't just go around picking up random kids saying 'oh well your parents are dead come with us so we can do awful things to you then leave you in the middle of some random other town'
...and I thought I was lazy! 7 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
We laugh at him but we all know deep down inside we were all like 'why didn't I think of that'
Oh internet 18 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
Here is some cute eyebleach for you
I swear it isn't really a menacing electric anaconda but a tiny hedgehog trying to unroll itself
Oh internet 18 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
What is making ti move!?! On second thought, I don't think I want to know what is making it move...
I don't want to be called a 'feminazi' I'm just trying to convey what a real feminist is. 17 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
The usage of the word has changed. It has now become a term for the radicals. We aren't calling anyone looking for equity (not equality there is a difference) a feminazi. The same way we aren't calling all Muslims terrorists. It's not being used to degrade the normal people but the extremists who need to stop calling themselves feminists because they arent
I don't want to be called a 'feminazi' I'm just trying to convey what a real feminist is. 17 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
misandrists are the opposite of misogynists (people who hate women who the femnazis are 'fighting'). They are the ones known as femnazis because they are radicals who hide behind the name of feminism similarly to how Isis hides behind Islam and WBC hides behind Christianity.
Most people get the difference between feminists and femnazis, we just like to all them femnazis to piss them off, sorry I mean 'trigger' them, even more. One is for equality (although I still think it needs a new name) and the other is to flip the tables and opress men
Easy, doggy 14 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
*whispers*I love you all
Yeah I don't think that's quite how roman numerals work.. 27 comments
proxxxy · 10 years ago
Sorry, yah I meant that