Smart, funny attractive?
Lets add the inability to interact with peopel, social awkwardness, no actual skills and anxiety
Our planet from a different perspective 12 comments
· 10 years ago
But isn't it kind of technically both water and land? If we turned it into water like all the other countries the water would still just freeze over again. If we turned it into land it would still be snowy and icy
This is awesome! 5 comments
Kid destroys dollar store 24 comments
· 10 years ago
But do you guys notice how he isn't actually angry and yelling like most kids would,he's just sort of shutdown and pushing/throwing things? It could be a sign of aspergers or autism. Don't bash too hard on the kid.you don't know what happened to lead up to the event. If you where really there in there store would you actually confront the kid of just stand in shock? Honestly, would you?
I feel like I'm just stirring the pot but this makes a very good point 123 comments
· 10 years ago
Also, in late trimester abortions inAmerca the baby actually has be no longer a live before removed from the womb
I feel like I'm just stirring the pot but this makes a very good point 123 comments
· 10 years ago
There is no 100% effective birth control method. Even total abstinence fails in situations involving rapemand abusive relationships. Over half (55%) of abortions in America where from women who actively tried to prevent the pregnancy and the other half was women who where raped, didn't think they had high chances if getting pregnant or where misinformed. Do you think that the fact that a majority of abortions are by black women has anything to do with this? Hmmm? It says something about your society and they way people are informed and or misinformed about these things. Don't try and blame those poor people who either made mistakes or where actually trying to do something.
I feel like I'm just stirring the pot but this makes a very good point 123 comments
· 10 years ago
Its not legal to abort after the second trimester in almost every first world country as far as I know. Yes, there may be really sketchy illegal clinics in the backs of buildings but they are not the same thing that most people are talking about. They are the minority and you want to stop all women from having something because some people did something similar but completely different to what they want to do. Also, I HIGHLY doubt any actual doctor was going to kill a baby after it was born
I feel like I'm just stirring the pot but this makes a very good point 123 comments
· 10 years ago
Wait wait wait wait... Where the fuck is it legal a day before birth!?! Also you aren't technically pronounced dead if you heart stops. You've just gone into cardiovascular arrest. You're not 'really' dead until you're brain dead. The way they define death is weird and not that simple.
Amazing Digital Art by Michael O 9 comments
· 10 years ago
I will do stuff like this one day!! When I have money and shit to buy tablets and programs. So long away *sighs*
When your pen compliments you 6 comments
I feel like I'm just stirring the pot but this makes a very good point 123 comments
· 10 years ago
Think about it though. If you where raped would you want to cary around your rapists child? Be reminded of it every day. And then, to top it all off have your body practically ruined by the baby you never wanted and was forced upon you? What if the baby is going to harm the mother in some way? Yes, in most cases adoption is a good way to go but after carrying the baby for 9 months most mothers become attach and cant give up their babies. If they are in conditions where they arent fit to bring up a kid but cant bring themselves to give it up, what do you do then? There are so many kids already up for adoption and not enough people adopting right now anyway (not at all inplying that they should die to fix that problem but it is just adding to it)
I feel like I'm just stirring the pot but this makes a very good point 123 comments
· 10 years ago
Or dont have sex in the first place. But yes, adoption in most cases. There are some scenarios where I can see women wanting to not have the baby at all. I mean personally, I wouldnt really want to carry around a guy whos raped me's baby to deliver it and give it away.
Good point 2 comments
· 10 years ago
Truer words have never been spoken..or written. I don't fucking know. Words are hard
The new Assassin's Creed game... Hyper realism... 6 comments
· 10 years ago
Because of the and the light I thought it was the other way around for a minute. It really confused me
I feel like I'm just stirring the pot but this makes a very good point 123 comments
· 10 years ago
If not just by chance, how do you suppose, if you had to of course, to choose which one? Do you choose by which you think will have a better life or outcome? Do you see which is a 'better person' and save that one? Does the other really deserve to die because they aren't as good as the other? If you honestly had to do something in a scenario like that who and how would you choose? You can't just say you won't choose.
First word of the year 13 comments
· 10 years ago
Right at 12:00 it should be quote and right at 11:59 December 2015 it should be unquote
Soda warning 5 comments
· 10 years ago
And it will go on your permanent record. Imagine trying to get a job with that massive crime. How could you live with yourself knowing you did something as terrible as that
I feel like I'm just stirring the pot but this makes a very good point 123 comments
· 10 years ago
I honestly still have to go with the baby. I understand how some people may view them as equal but in my mind they aren't. I'm assuming we are talking like tiny little fetus here btw.
The born baby: the mother has gone and spent the whole 9 months and delivered the baby. She has felt and touched and seen and hugged her baby. There is a real physical and emotional connection. You've actually seen the things your created.
The fetus: it is still small and you haven't really had a chance to feel the same things as with the baby. There is still a connection between mother and child but its not the same as how I explained before. It is still an awful loss but in my eyes not the same type of loss as the other. Both are just as sad but they are different
The born baby: the mother has gone and spent the whole 9 months and delivered the baby. She has felt and touched and seen and hugged her baby. There is a real physical and emotional connection. You've actually seen the things your created.
The fetus: it is still small and you haven't really had a chance to feel the same things as with the baby. There is still a connection between mother and child but its not the same as how I explained before. It is still an awful loss but in my eyes not the same type of loss as the other. Both are just as sad but they are different
I feel like I'm just stirring the pot but this makes a very good point 123 comments
· 10 years ago
Assuming you don't also kill the mother? If she does die then you get the is 2 lives worth killing 1 conundrum
I feel like I'm just stirring the pot but this makes a very good point 123 comments
· 10 years ago
What if its a magical fetus that is still alive but as soon as it gets dropped it dies. Same for the baby
I feel like I'm just stirring the pot but this makes a very good point 123 comments
· 10 years ago
Damn that sucks. That really sucks. But it is still the same point in a way. I know its a difficult subject but it is different hearing that than to hearing that the actual born baby that you've made a physical connection with die
'Murica is spreading like mayo 25 comments
· 10 years ago
The brittish use a mix between the metric and imperial system. It is swayed more to metic though im pretty sure
Edited 10 years ago
Someone explain this 18 comments
· 10 years ago
I know a guy who actually pronounces it seen. It gets confusing though sometimes because eeryone else is shawn
Call me toilet paper, cuz I'm on a roll 21 comments