Smart, funny attractive?
Lets add the inability to interact with peopel, social awkwardness, no actual skills and anxiety
And you thought a cat walking on your keyboard was bothersome 14 comments
· 10 years ago
"Yeah, sorry about that boss. I would have finished earlier but my dik dik kept getting in the way. Its really hard. It gets all up in the keyboard too."
Edited 10 years ago
He looks so tiny 3 comments
· 10 years ago
He's the kid from the two really tall people that their government made fuck right?
Cats sure get away with a lot 18 comments
· 10 years ago
So? There was a lion that killed a guy at a zoo near where I live. Everyone freaked out but, the guy had dine something to provoke the lion( it was his handler and he was doing the show differently and wearing something different to what he normally does). All animals will attack i provoked and yes some can harm you more than other but dogs and cats really aren't that different
Edited 10 years ago
Textbookception 17 comments
· 10 years ago
Photoshop? Or maybe the ones they are holding are dummies or a slightly different photo which they then used to take this one? I'm really confused
Or just give your kid a gun 30 comments
· 10 years ago
They honestly aren't that amazing. It's just one if those things where as a kid you ALWAYS wanted one and your mum was like no way so when you did get one it was all the more amazing. Looking back I'm like 'we where all so weird' but it was a childhood thing. Now though, that everyone knows you guys cant have them we get to take the piss out on you which Americans hate because they don't understand Australian, British and the likes humour.
One hell of a lighted tree 8 comments
Long live Norway 15 comments
· 10 years ago
Get whoever that random chick from Australia is out and replace her with Jenny Woodward. The true aussie weather woman
Edited 10 years ago
Or just give your kid a gun 30 comments
· 10 years ago
Americans get all salty from one small egg. I figured out how to kill the freedom!! Throw eggs at them!! We have the power
What was going on around 1630? 9 comments
· 10 years ago
It was used as an factual name for womens genetalia in te 13th century. The word didnt become obscene until around Shakespeare's time and only as bad as it is now in 17-18th centuries. The very first appearance of the word in is 'Gropecunt Lane' which, just happened to be a red light district
Overexcited dog jumps off boat to see some dolphins 3 comments
· 10 years ago
I lost it at 'unnesesscary' and 'you deserve to get bit in the as by a dolphin'
Children of p*rn stars share weird stories 9 comments
Look at the center for 30 secs. And ya'll see sum black magic! 9 comments
· 10 years ago
I was expecting something to jump out at me. Was pleasantly surprised. 10/10 would do again
Mmmmm nugget 7 comments
· 10 years ago
The reasoning "She had her eyes closed and I was really feeling my look so I cropped her out"
Just a little difference 10 comments
· 10 years ago
That's the point though, isn't it? Why is one hated by so many while the other loved by his people. Yes, I get that the US is a very big leader in the world and there are many people in and outside of America who want him dead, but why? It says something about the society we live in and how our world works. It's showing the difference between cultures
Solar the world 29 comments
· 10 years ago
Why???? Because the cost of making the panels, let alone the ways to transport it all over the world is enormous, Even if there where lots of them all over the world. What about the cost of workers and maintenance. If this was our power source, what would happen if some part broke down. the whole world wouldn't have power. It would need immense global co-operation which we currently don't have. Also, which country has to give up land? Would they be the only ones in charge of it or would other countries have to send workers or money over? What about countries we are at war with, would they just not get power?
Yes there are so many different power options that we have, but at this point in time, most of then are not plausible. It would be amazing if we could all get power in ways like this but no government, let alone most of the worlds governments co-operating together, are going to spend money on something like this when it has a massive cost and doesn't really pay off for a long time
Edited 10 years ago
Yes there are so many different power options that we have, but at this point in time, most of then are not plausible. It would be amazing if we could all get power in ways like this but no government, let alone most of the worlds governments co-operating together, are going to spend money on something like this when it has a massive cost and doesn't really pay off for a long time
It's all about being open-minded 10 comments
· 10 years ago
Does this not technically work for most things though? Eg. Pizza, ice cream pizza, chocolate pizza, spaghetti pizza, 'healthy pizza' ( please mum, you're not fooling anyone. Its literally just vegetables on more vegetables).
The "smell" 31 comments
· 10 years ago
Sweat, the scent of their detergent, pheromones, a mix of other chemicals, tiny piecs of shit and piss still on them from when they went to the bathroom and didn't wash their hands the sick fuck (god dammit luke)!!
Well, sh*t 12 comments
· 10 years ago
Hell, I'd consider deleting it just at that name! 'SideHoeNextDoor' ( im assuming hoe and door are pronounced like they rhyme which makes me want to kill myself even more)
I love my textbooks 10 comments
· 10 years ago
Wasn't there some other thing about how women are more likely to die of an overdose or something rather than gun or hanging because they care about how people find them? (or something like that?)
Sounds funny 5 comments
· 10 years ago
Walked in on my Dad's sister getting changed. Pretty traumatising. Aunt tit?
Edited 10 years ago
Milk is not natural 22 comments
· 10 years ago
How about if we put it this way. Carrots. Everyone loves carrots, they come from the ground, bunnies eat them, people eat the, 100% natural right (assuming they are all organically farmed and all that shit). Some people might like eating carrots raw because that's exactly how them come out of the ground, 100% natural. But let's say I want to roast my carrots to have with my dinner. All I'm doing is heating them up, they are still 100% the same carrot, I haven't added or changed anything that's in it, only heated it up. So, what's the difference between heating up my carrot and heating up milk to make it safer to consume? It's still the same milk that came out of the cow, nothing was added or changed about the components.
Old but gold 9 comments
I just can't seem to change myself... 36 comments
· 10 years ago
I didn't actually notice until I got to the end and was about to see who this master or women was
I just can't seem to change myself... 36 comments