Smart, funny attractive?
Lets add the inability to interact with peopel, social awkwardness, no actual skills and anxiety
I wish I were brave enough to do this 11 comments
· 10 years ago
The proposal one omg. If I where the guy I would have died
Edited 10 years ago
Artist transforms kids drawings into plush toys 12 comments
Stupid cops 32 comments
· 10 years ago
What did I do that was wrong i your eyes? Question a statement with many a logical fallacy in with a hint of sarcasm? Also I didn't question him when he asked for the link, I questioned his statement after. All I did in my first comment was both provide the link and show how easy it is to actually ind them yourself. Yes my reply was sarcastic but that's how I am. What are you even trying to confront me about that Im getting annoyed at anyway? It's not hypocritical what I'm doing its just being a bitch who like debating and riling people up
Edited 10 years ago
Stupid cops 32 comments
· 10 years ago
Oh, so I've made up arguments with multiple fallacies about how I have shitty internet? Dont remember that one...
Stupid cops 32 comments
· 10 years ago
What do you mean hypocrite? About asking for links? When have I ever asked for links in like the past couple months. Most of the time ill look and if I cant find it ill ask but then go back and search more and usually find it an post it for anyone else IF that ever happens. Or am i being hypocritical in some other way? Please, enlighten me
Taking cheating to a whole new level 9 comments
· 10 years ago
Yup. Some super expensive graphics calculator and it HAS to be this specific one
Stupid cops 32 comments
· 10 years ago
Calm the fuck down. I gave the link, i asked why it was so hard gor them to find it in the first place when it was oh so hard for me to do, then I questioned a bullshit sounding answer. Bookhoarder, what do you even mean by you can't insult someone if ot involves something i've done? thats the point of insulting someone. Also I never insulted him I questioned a statement so...
Good thing we got FREEDOM 22 comments
· 10 years ago
Australia, New Zealand and the UK have had 5 school shootings since 1990's. America has had 200 in the same time. Together the populations are about 1/3 of America's but the maths still doesn't quite add up
LOL bruh 14 comments
· 10 years ago
They only got their PTSD because there 'wasn't a trigger warning and she got really depressed which reminded her of how she overcame her OCD and got PTSD about getting bullied for it'
Stupid cops 32 comments
· 10 years ago
It's not that he asked (and calm down I did give it) it's just you literally have to put the headline in Google and it's the first link (this goes for most news articles). It would have taken about half a second longer than it would have to post the comment
Fat people 16 comments
· 10 years ago
I think they are more pointing out that some (and note some) people say, 'oh I'm only fat because it's in my genes' and then use that as their excuse. Yes they may have a slower metabolism but no one should be eating a whole pizza. At that point it doesn't matter if you have a fast or slow metabolism it's just wrong. Similar people also use it as a excuse to not lose weight because it's 'too hard with my genes' which again is wrong.
Good thing we got FREEDOM 22 comments
· 10 years ago
Yes, there are shootings in other countries, but nowhere near the number and scale that America currently has.
A brief history of web design 1 comments
Fat people 16 comments
· 10 years ago
It doesn't equal out if you have a 'diet' coke either
Edited 10 years ago
Stupid cops 32 comments
· 10 years ago
so you can be on fs enough to be starred but can't Google 1 sentence and click a link because you have bad internet....mk then
LOL bruh 14 comments
· 10 years ago
Is it racist in the way that it's telling all people of a certain ethnicity to go die and they can suck my massive dick and are worthless pieces of shite? or is it taking the piss out of them and making fun of stereotypes? If the latter you will be laughed at
dinoc*ck 12 comments
TL;DR Version of The Holy Bible 27 comments
Stupid cops 32 comments
· 10 years ago
Here.... http://lmgtfy.com/?q=black+teen+with+white+parents+mistaken+for+burglar%2C+assaulted+by+cops+in+his+own+home&l=1
the first one
Was that so hard?
Edited 10 years ago
the first one
Was that so hard?
Stupid cops 32 comments
· 10 years ago
It does that sometimes because they likes only update every so often. Someone else had probably downvoted it and it hadn't come up yet but when you liked it, it took it back up to 0 (-1+1=0)
W-what are you talking a-about ? 3 comments
I don't understand this world anymore 1 comments
· 10 years ago
Ahh, the Schrodinger's cat of the real world. Until you open it, it contains both cookies and sewing supplies
Sequential pictures in the 80s taken in the same place nearly 30 years later 3 comments
· 10 years ago
It would be really cool to see it rebuilt and the picture fully recreated with her dad
Childhood trauma 9 comments