Smart, funny attractive?
Lets add the inability to interact with peopel, social awkwardness, no actual skills and anxiety
Why don't we fund this kind of art 4 comments
· 10 years ago
Hey look, it's the Australian government!!
They're Still Trying To Explain This 22 comments
· 10 years ago
I can't listen to really extreme metal but I'm like building up a like to it. Starting with more punk, pop punk and punk rock and slowly moving up from there is a really good way to get into it more.
If you can show people starting slowly how this song is similar to this slightly more metal song then this one is similar to this again slightly more hardcore song they are ticked into thinking that the first one is similar to the third even though it's more metal because they are both similar to the second one (if that makes sense). Keep doing this and they will begin to see how the songs are similar while still getting more hardcore.
Edited 10 years ago
If you can show people starting slowly how this song is similar to this slightly more metal song then this one is similar to this again slightly more hardcore song they are ticked into thinking that the first one is similar to the third even though it's more metal because they are both similar to the second one (if that makes sense). Keep doing this and they will begin to see how the songs are similar while still getting more hardcore.
For those who think they know a lot about rock music 19 comments
· 10 years ago
do people even actually still wear them. I've never actually seen someone in public wearing one
Childhood trauma 9 comments
· 10 years ago
wait I'm still confused... it's like a barbecue right? like just family/friends out to park for lunch. kids all run off and do god knows what? parents all get pissed drunk? steak and sausages, maybe a salad to eat?
Mountain tubing 6 comments
· 10 years ago
I've done this before but at a different place and it is SO MUCH FUN. There are the fast parts which are cool then the slower relaxing parts where you just chill and joke with friends while slowly drifting down
Taking cheating to a whole new level 9 comments
· 10 years ago
That calculator better have been broken beyond repair before this is done. That shits expensive. My calculator for next year is $200 and theirs no way im doing that to it
*chomp* *chomp* 7 comments
· 10 years ago
I was eating food while reading this and literally swallowed toast right ass it said meat tentacle and just stopped and put down my toast and stared for a minute...
Tool sizes 5 comments
· 10 years ago
"WHO THE FUCK SAID THAT!?!?" (anyone who doesn't reddit frequently please ignore this comment)
Dictator vs Parliament 11 comments
· 10 years ago
Hitler was a great dictator. He had so many people behind him and supporting him. He got stuff done which is more than what most governments are doing now. It's just his morals and the ideas that he planted in people that was bad
Well done Virgin Trains! 2 comments
For those who think they know a lot about rock music 19 comments
· 10 years ago
*white girl voice* "oh my gaawwwd. Nirvana is my favorite clothing brand!!'
How Germans React to Ambulance Siren 24 comments
· 10 years ago
In some countries you move to the sides to let them through but it's not as extreme as this. Like everyone doesn't make a massive path like that
How Germans React to Ambulance Siren 24 comments
· 10 years ago
I feel like this should be common practise everywhere. Except some assholes would take advantage of the open space and cock everything up
The Internet Justice League 13 comments
The Internet Justice League 13 comments
· 10 years ago
facebook should be reddit and 4chans nemisis and not even on there. Like why is it part of the good side??
buzzfeed needs to be reddits other nemisis
and tumblr needs to be 4chans other nemisis
buzzfeed needs to be reddits other nemisis
and tumblr needs to be 4chans other nemisis
Back in MY day 17 comments
Cat relaxing... 2 comments
The elements that give fireworks their colo(u)rs 5 comments
· 10 years ago
You can also spray/throw them on fire to make the fire that colour and it looks really cool
Seeking cuddle partner 10 comments
just keep swimming, just keep swimming 14 comments
· 10 years ago
If your doing DisneyPixar movies instead of just Disney then there are heaps more than nemo