

— pripyatplatypus Report User
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pripyatplatypus · 5 years ago
Individual liberty is a core aspect of any successful governmental system, but so is taking care of the most vulnerable and creating a baseline of services available to all.
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pripyatplatypus · 5 years ago
Trust me, I've read a lot of history on the Soviet Union and the communist movements. I'm being mostly facetious about this, but it's impossible not to look at our current system and wonder if there is a better way to do all this. I'm not advocating for Soviet style communism in the least though. That shit don't work.
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pripyatplatypus · 5 years ago
From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.
Oliver North 12 comments
pripyatplatypus · 5 years ago
Yeah, but Ollie North hasn't changed. He's a warhawk shill and the guy who got a pardon from Reagan.
Why don't you date a real woman like me? 7 comments
pripyatplatypus · 5 years ago
This is 1000% a real post made by a real woman.
What's next? 41 comments
pripyatplatypus · 5 years ago
All you have to lose is your chains, people.
Amazon is a PRIME example of when extreme Capitalism goes too far 31 comments
pripyatplatypus · 5 years ago
I wonder how many "nobody is forcing you to work there" and "maybe learn a trade" this is going to get.
Speaks for itself 8 comments
pripyatplatypus · 5 years ago
They also have literally more money than they know what to do with from legal weed.
Episode 3: Attack of the boomers 4 comments
pripyatplatypus · 5 years ago
What's funny is in that specific scene Jules says "shit Negro..."
I had friend who found 10 grand in a alley near his house....In a paper bad....Gave it to 5 comments
pripyatplatypus · 5 years ago
Y'all apparently never read or saw the movie A Simple Plan.
Disney star wars be like 8 comments
pripyatplatypus · 5 years ago
Most of the EU is terrible, but there are a handful of gems on there.
Steve says 2 comments
pripyatplatypus · 5 years ago
I just left the hospitality industry after about 5 years total. I could not stand the corporate aspect of it all, plus my GM is a fucking carny tool who should be hocking teddy bears at the state fair.
Happy thanksgiving! 6 comments
pripyatplatypus · 5 years ago
What a rebel. Wow, I hope he didn't cut himself on that edge.
Elon Musk, a true innovator 5 comments
pripyatplatypus · 5 years ago
I never said he didn't, although rich people donating is often a way to hide taxes and other dodgy financial schemes. I'm just weary of anybody who (ESPECIALLY Elon Musk) who makes big pronouncements and then just kinda wanders off. He's richer than any of us will be in a 1000 lifetimes, so I have zero sympathy for him or any obscenely rich person on money issues.
Elon Musk, a true innovator 5 comments
pripyatplatypus · 5 years ago
Yeah, nah. You have plenty of money Elon, you'll be fine.
Delusion vs. Reality 4 comments
pripyatplatypus · 5 years ago
It's funny how they always have yo portray him as this big, tough, physically fit man because he is actually an overly sensitive, flabby psychopath.
The witcher 2 comments
pripyatplatypus · 5 years ago
You know it's an adaptation of the books, right? Key word being adaptation.
Am I sentimental, a hoarder, or just broke? 5 comments
pripyatplatypus · 5 years ago
I recently helped a friend move into her first house and I basically had to pry her surplus belongings from her. She kept so much stuff with the belief that it would be useful later, and she didn't have enough storage space for it all. She also got a new, high paying job, and it completely threw her for a loop.
Best trick 2 comments
pripyatplatypus · 5 years ago
I also feared my mother's physical retribution for all slights.
LoTR fun fact 7 comments
pripyatplatypus · 5 years ago
That's not even the Bechdel Test, it's the first criteria of the Bechdel Test.
Holy shit imagine if Triss was white..... Wait, she was 3 comments
pripyatplatypus · 5 years ago
It's also based off the books, not the games. It's also an adaptation, not your personal fan recreation.
No biggie, right? 22 comments
pripyatplatypus · 5 years ago
That's assuming that tuition and rates have risen only to keep up with demand, and that colleges and universities haven't found ways to squeeze every last dollar out of the student. There are more schools, more classes, and more options now than there has ever been, and yet the costs will continue to rise. Instructor pay is down, tuition rates are up, and enrollments are up; the only logic in this is that higher education institutions now operate on a profit model instead of the non-profit model that got us through before.
Anon knows the lore 5 comments
pripyatplatypus · 5 years ago
You're purposefully picking examples that won't happen to highlight what you believe would be the most extreme cases, but this isn't some slippery slope thing. People joke about how MLK will be portrayed by a white woman now and hide behind "being true to the source material" when in reality they're just afraid that their traditionally white fictional stories will be sullied by people of color.