Girl generalized Anime fans and got roasted 6 comments
· 5 years ago
Just from their little interaction, I am Team Nobody here. They both suck.
Thanos was right 10 comments
· 5 years ago
That was Stephen King's point when writing The Shining. He said that monsters and ghosts and ghouls are scary, but it's difficult to be terrified by something you're not familiar with.
Stoping for ice cream 1 comments
· 5 years ago
I think you mean the Wod Fir. It had wig emporium in the sun sphere, ya know.
That's a great idea to keep the relationship going 8 comments
· 5 years ago
Why is marriage supposed to be this hard, gruelling slog through interpersonal hell? I hate the idea that you have to "remind" yourself that you love another person after a fight, like you'll somehow forget.
I'll just buy that 'capitalism is broken' t-shirt from Amazon for $35 4 comments
· 5 years ago
I think a lot of people are just aware of it's shortcomings and are sick of being sold to.
Google the black panther party 6 comments
· 5 years ago
Exactly. People like to throw "but Chicago" out without really understanding that other states have very lax gun laws, and that Chicago is far from the most dangerous city.
Crappy car design 7 comments
Use your Gun! 3 comments
· 5 years ago
Has this guys house been broken into while he was in it more than once?
Top text 29 comments
· 5 years ago
Jesus dude, it's like talking to an Ayn Rand cosplayer. This is gonna go around in circles.
Top text 29 comments
· 5 years ago
For somebody who literally works for the federal government you sure seem to think that they're responsible for all the bad stuff that happens. Also, no, private insurance having a virtual monopoly on healthcare isn't the government's fault. Shitty healthcare isn't a new thing.
Top text 29 comments
· 5 years ago
So, I got in a fender bender about 4 years ago and, per my insurance, I had to go to the emergency room. I waited 14 hours. When I had my kidney stone, I waited 9 hours. I took a disabled friend of mine to the emergency room and we waited 6 hours only to be told there was nothing they could do. I once watched a guy bleed out in the hallway of an emergency room because they didn't have room for him. The American medical and insurance system is fucked.
Spider-man 12 comments
· 5 years ago
Hard agree. Peter Parker has his own life, he doesn't need to be embroiled in all the Avengers drama.
Retard units explained 8 comments
· 5 years ago
The way I explain it: you say something like "March 12th" instead of "the 12th of March." It just seems easier to notate it that way
You laughing at Chinese and north Korean 7 comments
· 5 years ago
I read the article in the Macomb Daily, and what seems to have happened is: the dad lost custody of his child to the mom, the dad then requested joint custody, which he very quickly got, the joint custody was ordered by a family court functionary called a referee and signed off by judge Rachel Rancilio, the dad then requested sole custody, then three days later the boy died while in his moms custody. Then, the dad posted pictures on Facebook with a shovel with the judges initials on it saying he was going to "dig up the skeletons" of the court; the judge sees them, takes them a threat, then orders his arrest for misusing the internet and threatening; the dads lawyer says he was just grieving and angry and tries to plead down, but is rejected. And here we are.
Proud of You! 2 comments
· 5 years ago
The hardest thing for a person to unlearn is that nastiness is not only natural but right.
Is Science not welcome in the US of A? 7 comments
· 5 years ago
The funny thing about science is that it begs to be proven wrong. If you or anybody else can categorically, systemically, and academically show that the prevailing theories about climate change are not correct, then that would be a huge deal. But all the climate deniers are people who harp on the social and economic aspects rather than the scientific ones. We shouldn't need to sell that we have a negative impact on this world and that maybe we should do better.
Sounds about right 16 comments
· 5 years ago
Correct. You can also have targeted surveys as well. Surprisingly, one of the most accurate and transparent surveys out there is Family Feud: they disclose their methods, sample size, and sample population.
Sounds about right 16 comments
· 5 years ago
Then you're the answer that gets written off. There's a science to actual, academically proctored polls and surveys.
Racism is not a one way road. We can't babysit a race forever 16 comments
· 5 years ago
Oh, I agree with you 100%. It's silly that people want to say it; it's like some forbidden fruit and they get all mad and start spouting of stupid justifications for why they should.
Racism is not a one way road. We can't babysit a race forever 16 comments
· 5 years ago
Because people don't like feeling left out and don't understand history.
I'm sorry 2 comments
· 5 years ago
It's funny because he tried to ruin somebodies life for criticizing him