Seb Gruc


— Seb Gruc Report User
Far too scary 6 comments
poopun · 6 years ago
When the TL;DR is almost as long as the original comment :D
(I dont disagree with your point tho)
Interesting ergonomic measuring jar 3 comments
poopun · 6 years ago
Okay but then this would only be usefull in one particular situation :
You need to poor into different containers and dont want to measure multiple times (for instance, you are making 3cakes at once and all of them need milk).
Anything else you just measure first and empty it.
Triangle notebook 4 comments
poopun · 6 years ago
I mean... It doesnt save that much space, and from top view it may look like a square piece of paper once its open, but it wont be practical : the two pages wont be at the same height, and writing through the middle would be a pain.
Just because its unique doesnt make it useful...
Faking mental illness 12 comments
poopun · 6 years ago
Pretty sure this TED talk talks about it (or something similar). Cant check to be 100% sure because im at work.
This urinal has a football minigame 16 comments
poopun · 6 years ago
Natural U-shape of the urinal.
Light up shoes. 42 comments
poopun · 6 years ago
Right... my only point was that free didnt mean there shouldnt be control measures. I couldnt care less about going into a debate over gun control, if its not apparent that the US have a gun problem, then im not gonna argue.
But free != no rules. Thats anarchy. And it doesnt lead to freedom, it leads to someone eventually taking control.
Special abashed Llama 3 comments
poopun · 6 years ago
Not necessarily. I'm that friend. I'm the guy who when everything goes to shit will make a joke out of it. I'll underplay it, because you know what ? Sometimes it helps to just have someone be like "well carry on then, life goes on".
My friends know I'm joking, and that when they really need help I'll be there.
Also, before you call me an incesitive asshole, that's also how I react when everything goes to shit for ME. Sometimes when something bad happens, and everyone is pitying you all you want is someone who acts normal.
Well, fml 11 comments
poopun · 6 years ago
In the girl's defense she might not have lied and actually changed her mind.
I was pretty sure I didn't want a relationship of any kind (erasmus here, so I was just looking for casual fun, nothing serious whatsoever). Well I met this girl and we kinda hit it off. Decided to see her again (still at his point not considering anything serious at all). We actually got along really well, so I just kept seeing her. Well sure enough, I found myself in a serious relationship.
Did I expect it? Not even a little bit, I was actually quite hesitant at first, because it wasn't what I had planned. Would I make a different choice if I had a do-over ? Not in a million years.
Sometimes you just meet someone that makes you change your mind. Sucks for OP that it happened so soon after they went on a date, especially with a friend of his. But sometimes life happens.
Light up shoes. 42 comments
poopun · 6 years ago
And if you believe that being in a "free" country means you should be able to do whatever the fuck you want you are retarded. There's a saying that goes "One's freedom stops where someone else's begins". Meaning that you should be able to do what you want provided you dont harm others. Well the problems with guns and gun shootings is that they kinda bother others.
Tips 4 comments
poopun · 6 years ago
Every time I see this I think back to the time I played World of Warcraft. Paladins (its a role) have this spell that makes them invulnerable for a while (called "divine shield", but everyone refers to it as "bubble").
Long story short, when you are trying to kill one and fucking bubble comes out, you definitely learn how to say bubble angrily.
I don't know how to program myself. I've always been to lazy to try. 5 comments
poopun · 6 years ago
If you don't start inserting some random "printf("FUCKTHISHIIIT") every step of your code to see where it fails you are doing it wrong.
Light up shoes. 42 comments
poopun · 6 years ago
Because for the love of god putting guns in a classroom is not a solution.
First of all theres always the possibility that the armed guard becomes the menace. Arguably, this is a very limited risk.
Then theres the fact that amidst chaos a teacher might hit an innocent target.
Then theres the fact that the assaillent could first neutralize said target before moving on to unarmed targets.
And next came the milky way 12 comments
poopun · 6 years ago
Pretty damn good show in my opinion.
It all makes sense now. 10 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
My best reason to try and get girls to have sex is (aside from reproduction) : "girls want it as much as men do."
That's it right there.
Reality of Life 7 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
Also both could probably just stand, reach for the edge and pull themselves up.
How about a Pool square 12 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
What I read here is :
Don't have fun in the pool because you might ruin the pool table. I mean, it looks fancy, but I feel like both pool ruin eachother, and that having them separate would make each one better.
They aren't even trying anymore 19 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
Oh, mb, had no idea what that bar was. In France we never saw that notation, if we have repeating numbers they are always written in their exact fraction form since that's the only exact representation.
They aren't even trying anymore 19 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
Wait there's a formula ? Simple fraction manipulation solves this easily...
They aren't even trying anymore 19 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
Then you have a problem.
You simply get them under fraction form :
4/10 + 2351/1000
= 400/1000 + 2351/1000
= 2751/1000
Being able to manipulate fractions is kinda important. And although once you reach higher studying levels (engineering for instance) you have calculators that will easily solve that, it's still important to teach this kind of math to kids, and more importantly you should be able to figure this out if you're in engineering.
I don't like veggies 12 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
@ajhedges Clearly you have never seen a cat react to a vacuum cleaner.
I feel you sister 14 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
I mean most professors I know would accept "I got mugged, ill have it reprinted by tonight, my apologies."
To be a pirate: shiny hair,cute hook and being awesome 19 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
Am I wrong or is this a Moana quote ? (or did Moana quote this, depending on who came first ?)
Are they referencing something ?
3 · Edited 7 years ago
I feel you sister 14 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
I do NOT understand people who do not make copies of important stuff like that. Having a backup online and on your personnal computer seems like common sense.
Checkmate 5 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
Yeah, it's telling you you have checkmate in one move, so finding it ain't hard. I'm a shitty chess player (literally only know how pieces are allowed to move, nothing about strategy) and it took me less than 30 seconds.
· Edited 7 years ago
Quite possibly the coolest bathtub for two 7 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
I feel like the noise from the water overflowing would be annoying tho :/