Seb Gruc


— Seb Gruc Report User
Watermelon Bread sold in Japan (the "seeds" are chocolate) 5 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
But thats nothing that didnt already exist. 'brioche' bread with chocolate chips has been around forever, they just added colorant.
Secret basement 9 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
Then you just add a dead body to your dead bodies.
Toodles 10 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
Honestly, when I lose my wallet the cash in it is the last thing that I care about. I instantly cancel my credit cards for obvious reasons, then I hope someone finds it and returns it (with or without cash, I really do'nt care) because having to remake my ID and stuff is a pain in the ass.
How I justify not walking up to girls and asking them out 4 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
I mean you got your leg amputated, so obviously you're not really walking up to anybody.
Good idea? 11 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
Basically just assume that people are innocent until proven guilty.
That means that the guy she accused of rape has to be PROVEN GUILTY. If he isn't proven guilty, then he could press charge against her for fake accusations. Then they have to PROVE that there was no rape (either that there was consent, or that there was no sex...).
She did this man dirty lol 24 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
Want a stupid example ?
When I was in 8th grade I shoplifted stuff. Why ? Because I was dumb as fuck and though it was 'cool'. Well I got caught, confronted, and never did it again. I can now proudly say 'I'm a honest citizen who doesn't steal stuff.'.
See what I did there ? I GREW UP.
I'm not saying what he did was OK, I'm not saying she was wrong to put him in his place, I'm saying he couldve changed and be proud of that.
well 7 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
Or they are making jokes. Not everyone making gay jokes is in the closet. Otherwise my 15 closest friends and I are ALL in the closet, which seems statistically unlikely.
Her bio simply said "swipe left if you have bad grammar" 3 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
Not really no. The point is to establish a connection. If she has your number and wants to talk to you then you're in the same spot as if you have her number.
She did this man dirty lol 24 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
Are you dumb as fuck ? He did something stupid in 8th grade and got put in his place, but that doesn't mean he hasn't changed.
Seriously, if all of us had to define ourselves by the stuff we did in 8th grade we wouldn't go far.
EDIT : I feel like i'm feeding the troll tho, noway someone is that dumb.
11 · Edited 7 years ago
Any way we could possibly play this online? 12 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
Well you will always have shoes at a party, not everyone carries around change.
Also, a flip flop probably doesn't have a 50/50 chance to land on each slide, so maybe they tried to tilt the odds in favor of one side (I'd go with 'not revealing the question) without having to carry around dices.
Noooope! 19 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
I used to do the X too.
Then I got a bit older, and I realized that whenever I visited my grand parents (they live in the tropics) I would inevitably come back with 50+ bites, so I admitted defeat, stop trying to chase every mosquito I see, and just ignore it.
The good thing is whenever I'm at home the occasionnal bites don't bother me.
F U C K Y E E E E 22 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
Didnt america intervene in South Korea? I've lived in Seoul, I would say it turned out pretty great. Although a lot of it is due to how hard working Koreans are.
Go nuts. Show nuts 15 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
Well if you rearrange "Tumblr" you can write "Trumbl", now flit that 'b' upside down and you have "Trumpl", just get rid of the 'l' and you have an "Trump", so the post was very obviously referencing Trump and Hopeforall just caught that reference which obviously flew over your inferior head.
Either that or he just wants to hate on Trump.
We all had this professor 25 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
I would ask you what your name is, but you probably don't know.
Robin Williams was a good man 8 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
It made me smile. Its kinda the same as people saying that they admire hitler because he killed hitler.
Its a joke, don't take it too hard.
Grade ninja! 9 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
In math class I had a question that went like :
5.a) prove something.
5.b) prove something else.
5.c) prove another thing.
5.d) from the above points deduce that *statement*.
I had 5minutes left, so I just skipped a b c (you are allowed to skip questions you can't do, and assume the results as true to keep solving the problem) and just wrote on 5d : "From *statements a b and c* we can deduce *statement*.
Got 0.5 points and a smiley face for that.
Cool teachers exist.
I think the live action reenactments would've taken the magic away 10 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
got a link ? or a name or w/e to find them?
Don't...ever do this... 14 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
As a guy who lies a fair bit, the n° 1 rule to lying is to keep it small. The more people you lie to, the better your backstory ought to be, because people will crossreference facts and find inconsistencies.
That guy took it public, and got exposed publicly. Rookie mistake. Also, what a creep oO
Hide your beer in a cup 10 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
I guess the ice would water it down. But youre drinking beer through a straw, and thats unmanly af.
This isn't even fake 5 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
How about covering the fire with a damp towel to smother it ? Coz that would be my first instinct.
Doing their part 14 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
However the end of the sentence should make it clear. (I'm not a native speaker), when I read "The madman" I assumed (wrongly) that it referred to Trump. However, upon reading "and even he can see...", 'he' obviously refers to 'the madman', and since 'he' acknowledges climat change it can only refer to Our Supreme Leader.
The world's only mistery 5 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
Heres one for ya :
What two coins when put together make 30 cents, but one of them is not a nickel.
I haven't finished yet 14 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
Tbh as a dude I would have no idea what to sext. Like... no. fucking. clue. it would just feel weird. Also how am I supposed to sext with my hands down my pants. I don't like sexting.
Taking one for the team 7 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
Maybe they had a party, maybe some dumbass rolled on the kitchen table and forgot.