Seb Gruc


— Seb Gruc Report User
As a quiet speaker 13 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
Okay well you went to school with cunts, thats another issue...
As a quiet speaker 13 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
Tbh, when someone is yelling "I can't hear her", its not meant to embarass you, its literally that he can't hear you. I've been in that situation quite a few times, and often I wouldn't say anything because I knew it would embarass the speaker, but it's really annoying when the presentation is interresting (just so you realize that the guy asking is also inconvenienced).
Also tbh, if you still have school presentations, I would suggest you really use that to improve your oral skills, as those are definitely important in real life, and those presentations are a great way to improve because they face you with your fear, but at the same time noone except the teacher really gives a crap about what you're saying.
As a quiet speaker 13 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
@grimm so you're just the most direspectfullest of em' all ?
How Undertale Was Created 5 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
My bad for the fucking necro, somehow this got on my 'popular'?
How Undertale Was Created 5 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
Okay but like... Who else has a stupid file on their computer where they write dumb ideas they had while drunk, in case somehow they prove valuable.
Still me 7 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
Well it's half what camsites do, and you have to pay for those. So you have 50% of a paying servirce for FREE. What are you complaining about?
Still me 7 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
Okay but like... Can you people not create 2 accounts and send a message from one another and see what happens (I don't use tumblr, so I can t try this out myself).
If you only have one device you should be able to replicate that using two different browsers (maybe put them in incognito mode).
One of the funniest movies ever 5 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
Tbh I'm downloading RN, gonna rewatch it x)
I haven't finished yet 14 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
And then beware, for it might be a trap.
One of the funniest movies ever 5 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
The dictator. Definitely recommend. That shit is hilarious.
A father found the man who kidnapped and sexually abused his son, and shoots him 19 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
Trials in cases like this are necessary because any line you trace other than "EVERYONE, ALWAYS, gets a fair trial and is innocent until proven guilty" is subjective, and what could go wrong with a subjective system?
The system isn't flawless, but that part isn't the one you want to change...
A father found the man who kidnapped and sexually abused his son, and shoots him 19 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
It's fun to see everyone downvoting people who play "devil's advocate" by saying that taking justice into your own hands is bad.
Being innocent until proven guilty is the BASIS of our justice system. And you can't just turn it off because it fits your moral compass.
Damn, thats the second post in a really short time advocating this, it pisses me off...
Free my man Jason 19 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
Am I the only one who thinks this isn't something good? The people he beats up are terrible people, but that doesn't justify him taking justice into his own hands. If the system in place is too leniant then change the system so that the punishment are adequate, and not one guy going on a hammer rampage.
Mother's day present 2 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
Buy any bottle, print label, stick label.
That's how you make a difference 8 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
To be fair tho, someone jumping from a skyscraper would look better on portrait.
It's Actually A Good Method To Remember Stuff 1 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
And thats why you force yourself to do the triple check whenever you leave a room :
You can add to that list stuff like cigarettes, lighter, or anything you always carry with yourself. It takes a while to get used to, but once you get used to doing it EVERY time you no longer forget.
Nurse Problems 18 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
Then again isn't pretty much anything "chemicals"? (technically speaking)
Wait.. 10 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
This is the kind of things I want to
when I browse the interwebs.
Justice League of Sass 19 4 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
I would if I had a pool :'(
Welcome to the force 3 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
He is sniffing drugs, I would be happy too.
Justice League of Sass 19 4 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
Does he have a land line in the pool?
Shades activated by the sun 5 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
Right, I might be a moron.
Shades activated by the sun 5 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
"Hey, lets make something thats used to protect oneself from sunlight open up to let sunlight in when sunlight hits it. That sounds like a smart idea."
People are weird 56 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
it could be worse 7 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
Play the numbers and it works.