Seb Gruc


— Seb Gruc Report User
Priorities 7 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
sorry :(
Priorities 7 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
No you can't, thats on of the biggest rules.
You can prevent someone from dying (the way they prevent Sirius and Buck from dying with time turner), but they will never have died.
You can "see them" with resurrection stone (or with the way harrys wand connected to voldemorts, but thats a particular case i think), but you are the only one who sees them (they aren't really alive).
You can come back as a ghost.
I think the only exception to that rule would be the use of Horcruxes (as illustrated by Voldemort), but even then, he isn't really dead since a part of his soul is protected, he is this weird "sub-human" thingy that lives on the back of quirrels head.
Conflict resolution 101 8 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
Fun stuff, poster 10 min ago, downvoted already. It may not fit your ideology, but this is literally what terrorsits do. Blowing people to pieces is NOT the solution. For all you know you are blowing up some innocent people in the process.
Jesus christ, this site is fun, but people can't use their brains for a second when it comes to people having a different opinion. sad shit. I'm not promoting or condening terrorism, I'm saying that blowing people up is not a solution, and its what terrorists dO.
· Edited 7 years ago
Conflict resolution 101 8 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
Funny thing is, you can literally twist it around :
Billboard in terrorist training camp says :
"How to negotiate with Westerners :
Step 1 : Blow them to pieces. Negotiations have concluded."
I know you love warm showers 24 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
And god said "may there be locks", and there was quiet.
I really mean business 2 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
Son, I once went with a friend to those stores specialized in selling to stores (called Metro in France), had to use 2 pallet trucks (we were planning a party for my school).
Should've seen the look on the cashiers face when two students came with 2forklifts worth of alcohool, like it was no big deal.
It got better when she saw us come back the day after to buy 4 kegs that we couldn't take on the first trip.
Good stuff.
2 · Edited 7 years ago
Ken he just leave her alone already? 8 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
Thats less that 15 texts a day, totally possible.
why can't study groups be so co-operative? 31 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
To be honest, thats not even a nice gesture, thats literally common sense. Their business is way profitable as it is, and the chances of this not being discovered (and it is corporate espionage) are hella fucking low, and that would be a PR nightmare, and would probably backfire.
The perfect girl 7 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
To be fair, this is tinder, you aren't taking more than 3sec before swiping, so you better hope the code isn't that hard to break.
p*rnHub sure knows to reward loyal fans 9 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
'Why are you looking at your closed computer?'
'Also, why is your dick out?'
Whoops 27 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
Why the downvotes tho ? He isn't wrong.
Savage. 4 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
I had a teacher who everyone loved, and mid-year she told us that she had to quit because her and her husband had been trying to adopt and they finally had the chance.
Everyone was happy for her, and she even came by the school with her kid one day, during lunch break, and the others teachers warned us so we could see her and meet her kid.
Granted this was post highschool (so you have a different relation with your teachers) but yeah, I can see how this could happen.
How it's like not know what you're doing 13 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
There should be a rule against talking about a show without mentionning its name. You named a lot of characters, so its easy to google it, but please don't do that :'(
Unless everyoen says its shit, then noone cares.
Picasso's paintings through his life 13 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
I don't remember where I read that, but basically Picasso WANTED to draw like a kid.
Ignoring rules, ignoring "logic", just drawing with feelings.
"It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child." -- Pablo Picasso
Not saying you have to enjoy it, but it helps understand it better I think.
They both have annoying voices 17 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
Yeah, but you would have to be pretty stupid to kill someone for something you can buy at the store. So she probably wouldn't kill for rosalinas' body anymore :)
Definitely true 13 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
What movie ? This sounds like a fun thing to watch?
A braille rubik's cube 3 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
Would it cost so much to add colors to it ? Sure the blind kid won't see them, but if someone else (sibling, friend etc...) wants to play with it they can too...
This feels like a good idea that wasn't though through entirely.
It Seems We've Reached That Point 8 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
And you forgot the part where you re-use (hence why you wash it) the metal spoon you bought. So the effort put in for a spoon is divided for each time you use that spoon, which is only once for plastic spoons.
That's an unfortunate last name 4 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
Pretty sure its the 'exposition"
Yup 4 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
Thats called unemployment.
Gotta get the corn off the cob right 7 comments
poopun · 7 years ago
'Why is cornhub premium BUTTER'
#amputeeproblems 7 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
'relatable' tho
The amazing slave who rose up 15 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
Am I the only one who really wants Lin-Manuel Miranda to write a musical about this ?
Is it just justifiable? 67 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
Probably didn't say 'I wish he would stop molesting me', probably just described what happened and said 'i wish he would stop'.
Omg, this cake is so cool!! 4 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
No, they just stuck a shoe on top of a cake.