Seb Gruc


— Seb Gruc Report User
This is new? 2 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
You sweep a card upon entering the place, and it detects you leaving and I don't know exactly how they know what you bought, but its something like that.
I personnally would be too afraid of the different ways you could abuse a system like that. The moment you know how the detecting algorithm works you can find ways to go around it.
That was a save 7 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
Or you know, recognised him, matched for the lulz.
The power of makeup 14 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
I would assume I was just drunk and blame it on myself. Then I would go for round 2, because I can.
Faith in humanity restored 5 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
Money can lead to a job though. With 5k you can pay for a rental place for a while, get yourself cleaned up, have an adress, a bank account, find a job. Look for anything with minimum pay.
sam and dean? 8 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
As someone working as a webdevelopper, it doesn't matter how account names are generated (I'm developping something where I currently generate accounts automatically through initials), all you need is direct access to the database to be able to change it, so contacting your IT team would be an easy fix, as it is an understanble request and a very easy fix for them (thats 1 line of code for each), so I'm just gonna call BS on that one.
It's not cute it's annoying 15 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
Is that really a thing? As a dude studying engineering, where girls are a rare breed, I don't feel threatened by smart girls. Hell, if anything I wouldn't date a girl who isn't smart.
A girl acting stupid, if she is hot I would bang her (remember, rare breed, gotta do what you gotta do), but that would be the end of it.
Life hack 7 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
I'm assuming it goes in the water dispenser of a refrigerator (some have that).
I have one at home, which allows for cold water at any time (honestly the best thing in the world). It is however directly hooked to a "water outlet" (no idea how you call that shit in english), but I assume this has to fill a tank in the fridge for it to coold down. The water does NOT taste like refrigerator at all, however the icecubes do for some reason.
Letting the wife control the thermostat 3 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
Maybe I'm biaised by engineering school and the lack of female presence, but if you are only two girls in that class, you have the power of the dudes.
What relationship means 9 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
Well I can cook, bologny pasta, pasta with ham and cheese, carbonara pasta, pasta with pesto.
So as you can see, theres plenty of choice.
Iggy pop is awesome 15 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
I didn't say I believed in gender role, I said that people who believe its shameful to dress as a woman find it so BECAUSE of gender role, and not because being a woman is shameful.
The pros and cons of gender roles is a whole other debate.
Iggy pop is awesome 15 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
You do realize that this has nothing to do with thinking being a woman is shameful right? Since they dont think women dressing like women is shameful.
It has to do about "gender construct" and gender roles or however you want to call it, as in : men and women have ways they can dress, and ones clothes dont do well on the other role.
As much as I agree that anyone should wear whatever the fuck they want this has NOTHING to do with thinking being a woman is shamefull, or even that men are better than women, just than men and women are DIFFERENT and with that difference comes some "role" and one cannot do what is meant for the other.
Sounds Familiar 8 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
Well put yourself out there a little and make an effort. The other person is as awkward as you. Obviously you did the same usual shit as you did yesterday, school / work and stuff. But maybe something special happened ? Maybe you got shat on by a bird. Maybe you had soccer practice. Maybe you sacrified a virgin for the glory of satan.
Either way, just tell in broadlines, and try to find something that could spark a conversation, as irrelevant as it might seem.
True 7 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
Right, because only irresponsible, rapists and murderers go to Night Clubs. Thats also probably why every fucking student I know has gone to nightclubs, and a decent proportion of them enjoys it.
I guess we're all just irresponsible persons.
Campers is a one of the biggest problems 6 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
I always felt that if you got farmed by a "camper" the problem is you. You have the information on his whereabouts, in most games (especially fps) thats more than enough to have the upper hand
Death from overwork 4 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
"a" as in "ONE word". Obviously you can describe anything in any language by using multiple words to make sentences, thats how languages work...
I would have gone ballistic if this happened to me 11 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
Anything thin and hard (like a cardboard) would do it. Just put it against the opening (like the door would be if it were closed), leave a small gap on top, poor from there.
When you are done, close the door while the cardboard is still there, the more you close the door, the more you slide the cardboard away (you want the door to always be as possibly closed as possible, so touching the cardboard).
Not sure I made myself clear, and haven't tried it, but pretty sure taht would work.
Oh yes 32 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
Meh, thats the shittiest argument I ever saw (and I'm a dude who can't even grow a beard), I mean how "natural" are scisors, gel, and w/e was used for that haircut...
prepares knives* 7 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
Yeah, but just like they call all gaming consoles "Nintendo", they might call anything that allows videoconference "facetime".
*whispers* it is bc of ya ugly ass 16 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
And you wouldn't happen to want to leave a link or anything that could help us find it...
Be careful 87 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
Yall seem to think its so fucking easy trying to make something that allows creatures as easily breakable as us humans survive a crash at 130km/h... The time the airbag has to deploy is fuckign nonexistant, the strength of the crash is insane compared to what our body can withstand etc...
When You're Too Smart 9 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
The post only states that SOMETIMES you are right and the other is just too stupid to understand it. Not that it is ALWAYS the case.
So sad 10 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
Tbh tho, who here, amidst a ship sinking in freezing water, wouldve thought
"hey, we can both fit on that door."
"damnit, the door is sinking."
"Wait, let me take of my life jacket, wrap it around the door to increase its buoyancy ?"
Is that a boot in your pants, or are you just happy to see me? 10 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
Comment deleted ?
she's gonna get a shock 21 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
yeah but are they like spread out? Coz i count 2*55min + the usual 5min break which you dont get if you have 2 times the same period in a row as "one 1h55 period", since thats basically waht it is (and you never get only 55min of maths)
she's gonna get a shock 21 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
I'm from France. But how do you handle 1h15 periods? Like when you start reaching some "advanced" stuff in maths / physics / chemistry having some time to dig into it is necessary?