Seb Gruc


— Seb Gruc Report User
How to fall down the stairs 2 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
actually there isn't. It goes : +1 +3 +2 +2 instead of something like +1 +3 +5 +7 +7 (at some point you can't go down faster)
she's gonna get a shock 21 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
What year are you people in? In high school, 2h classes were a perfectly common thing (well 1h55 to be accurate) for subjects like math or physics. And in my first year of higher education i had 3hour math every wednesday and 4h labs in physics or chemistry every monday.
And in engineering school, any computer lab is 2 hours (I study computer science), and I'm pretty sure my friends studying maths and mechanics (like mechanics of fluids, no idea how you call that in english), has 3 or 4 hour labs.
I'm severely disabled 18 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
If you consider the reasons why they do this :
"Yeah, it's a change they made so all people are equally covered when it comes to fertility treatments. Now a single person wanting in vitro, when going by WHO standards, should be on equal footing with married couples when it comes to treatment and coverage." (according to dancadamorte's comment), its a pretty reasonable thing. Maybe the wording isn't great, but the motive is ok.
And that's it! 34 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
I'm French, once you've heard us speak english (those of us who can, at least) you realize theres no possible way that british english derives its accent from french.
*Deep Breath In* 87 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
You do realize they also send home guys who would come topless, or if he somehow finds a top that shows his shoulders. Thats not sexist, thats called dresscode, just because its casual wear doesn't mean its wear whatever you want.
Medical alphabet 8 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
I call bs on this. More likely its because they learned to write hella fast during medschool (that shit is hardcore).
If you write a perfectly readable fake note ain't nobody gonna say "wait this is too easy to read ! I'm not giving you shit".
6 · Edited 8 years ago
Personality and birth order 28 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
Are your initials M.G? Coz that sounds like my older sister.
· Edited 8 years ago
They killed cancer using HIV, WTF! 21 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
"I have aladeen and aladeen news for you."
"The aladeen news is that you no longer have Cancer."
*patient cheers*
"The aladeen news on the other hand is that you now are HIV-aladeen."
*patient unsure how to respond"
O shit 7 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
I hated community for never making it happen. But at the same time I loved it for it because it didn't turn into a boring romance series where the main plot is the relationship within the characters. Even britta and troys relationship remained rather irrelevant and Community remained as amazing and original as ever !
Don't worry 1 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
So he is you... But with clothes? You are naked with her, I'm pretty sure you're winning.
Lizardman 2 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
I love how that last one is written without a capital L.
The weapon of choice for French gangster 11 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
This is a french weapon. If you extend your arm infront of you, and grab the weapon like a brass knucke then you can shoot over your shoulders at your ennemies while running away from them. The brass knuckles allowed us you to punch any of our fellow frenchmen who refused to retreat and tried to block the passage, and the knife is here to rip through the labels of the wine bottles that were hidden in strategic place all along the retreat route.
This is a classic bit of history that is taught in our schools in France.
Now men can turn fertility on and off with the sperm switch 19 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
Maybe it could be implemented into the nipple, coz right now they are quite useless. But this might be a bad idea if you nippleplay during prelim.
There is salvation for assholes 4 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
The only problem about organ donation is that you have to register for it. The default option should be "yes, I'm an organ donor". Ofc you can dispose of your body as you want, but if you care enough about not being an organ donor then you do the process and register as such. If you can't be bothered to undergo such process then surely you don't care that much about your right to dispose of your own body and you're just being a little bitch.
This video was amazing.
What would you do 70 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
Take over the world.
Smell that brings back memories 19 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
Try to sell it, never sell out of it, I'd probably only sell one,
It would be to my brother cause we have the same nose,
Same clothes, homegrow...
Under pressure 4 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
Meth, they meant doing meth.
Not suggesting anything 4 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
Judging from current context i would say i must be someone who wants to rule Turkey. And this would be a theory saying that the coup was made up as a PR move.
Right, right? 10 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
With high broadband internet.
I genuinely don't understand what is peoples obsession with trying to convince themselves that modern comfort isn't comfort. IT FUCKIGN IS.
My grandparents have a house in a tropical Island, I spent many holidays there, with a smaller house attached to it. That house is much like the second one : rather rudimentary, a bit old. And sure enough it was fucking great for holidays, but trust me, after a month there I was bored and wanted a real fucking comfortable bathtube, my fucking computer, shit like that.
That bottom house is great for holidays, you will rest like crazy and enjoy doing nothing. But there comes a time when doing nothing gets real old.
Cats are fluffy adorable assholes 23 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
Define weird eye contact.
That would be an amazing movie! 6 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
Community : Season 2 episode 14, Advanced Dungeons and Dragons.
An amazing episode.
poopun · 8 years ago
Maybe because that is clearly meant only for fun, meaning that gun is probably unloaded, if not fake.
Programmers problem 5 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
Honestly depends how you would code it. If you consider how language tends to refer to the last thing you talked about without re stating its name it makes sense to use a tmp used to remember that.
In which case you have something like that (in some C++ like language)
class product{
int main(){
buy(milk, 1);
if(isAvalaible(product* tmp = new product("eggs")) , market){
buy(&tmp, 6);
return 0;
Now that would get the expected result.
And if you don't consider adapting your code to the language you use then you would have an error:
"error in buy function : not enough arguments, expected 2 got 1
because you buy 1 bottle of milk BEFORE entering the if condition, and then you have call the buy function with only one argument : 6.
I reread what I just wrote and arrived to the conclusion that I was funnier at parties before I learned computer science.
16 · Edited 8 years ago
That's a pretty good team. 10 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
It would. Except studying a virus requires equipment and time, which are ressources that are quite lackluster in the event of a zombie apocalypse. You seem to believe that you could stumble onto a cure by randomly mixing cough sirup and ice tea.
That's a pretty good team. 10 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
Only one usefull is the Weapons expert. In case of a zombie apocalypse you want to be surrounded by people who have skills to survive in the wild, and some medical knowledge. You don't give a rats ass about curring the zombie virus, you care about finding food, shelter, weapons.