Seb Gruc


— Seb Gruc Report User
Reset button 36 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
I'm assuming you mean the dog?
Sumarry of common logical fallacies 23 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
Oh, ofc if the implication is wrong in the firstplace then it makes no sense.
Sumarry of common logical fallacies 23 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
I do not understand how 2 is a fallacy. Its fucking correct.
As long as "A => B" (A implies B) then if you want to avoid B you HAVE TO avoid A in the firstplace. This is the DEFINITION of an implication.
More people need to understand this 6 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
Unless you consider 1000 dollars to be too expensive but 750 to be a fair price. Not all items you need are items you CANT LIVE WITHOUT. For instance I'm a computer programmer and I could really use a new laptop, my current one being old, big, heavy and unefficient. Now assume I saw a model that would fit my needs, but it costs 1000, and I consider the performance not worth that, but rather along the line of 800, which would also fit my budget. So I don't set to buy it. Yet if next week it is on sale for 750 why would i NOT buy it?
My mom recently threw the video games make you violent idea at me. 10 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
Stop downvoting it, he is right (and before you downvote me, I strongly believe that videogames causing violence is bullshit). HOWEVER, the logic displayed by OP is equivalent to :
"Cancer existed before cigaretes, therefore cigaretes do not cause cancer."
If you can't see how flawed this logic I'm afraid theres nothing that can be done to help you.
tips regarding bread 12 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
Being a french student, I can't agree with that bread thing. I have tried homemade bread (my mom used to do it), first of all it takes some trial and error before reaching an OK outcome, which I don't really have time to go through, and even then the bread you get is still quite far from what you can get at the bakery (at least in France).
Unless you can't for medical reasons 39 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
Although you have a point, I do think the law should be changed so that the default choice is "Yes, I agree to donate my organs". If for any personnal reason you chose not to do so its ok, but if you don't care enough to take the time to NOT be an organ donor then surely you don't mind being a donor. Whereas I believe many people wouldn't mind being donors but just didn't take the time to do it (such as myself, although I'm only 20 so I don't intend on dying any time soon).
Simply changing that could drastically increase the amount of donors while at the same time preserving the right for people to do whatever the fuck they want with their bodies.
Happy mother's day!!!!!! 13 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
I'm 21 and don't want kids either, and I understand you maybe are right and will never want kids in your life, but I do think you should consider waiting as this is a pretty permanent solution, while they're are many ways to not get pregnant while still enjoying sex nowadays.
So maybe don't close too early a door that you might one day want to cross.
Pretty accurate depiction of society 13 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
Yeah, except on the plantes scale, the two on the higher end wont actually suffer, more like a few generations from them. So their point of view is, in a way, logical.
Guy makes a video to prove girls look at guys cr*tches 8 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
What do you expect to learn about them through jeans tho ? :D I look at girls asses because hot DAMN GIRL !
Guy makes a video to prove girls look at guys cr*tches 8 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
... I though it was a bloody hidden camera. If I would see a dude walking with a big ass camera strapped to his dong I would fucking stare too... And I don't stare at dudes packages (althoug I do checkout girls asses).
Stockings With Pre-Painted Toenails Are The Latest Trend In Japan 16 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
You can see in the last picture that they are like toe socks. Still, I feel like they could easily be too big / too small. This product makes no sense, but then again its japan.
Baseball bat in your car 8 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
Meh, you can always say someone else brings the ball. Thats plausible. And plausible is all you need.
The Nordic countries are truly different 12 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
It depends on your setup. In France, at my parents house we have a tank, whereas at my place we have gaz heating, basically the water is heated on the spot, so you have "unlimited hot water".
Jew gotta be kidding me. 15 comments
poopun · 8 years ago
Although I have no problem with minority or female lead roles, the point is not disproven. The point was that it would fail regardless of the quality, meaning that to disprove said point you would need to have a movie succeed BY ITSELF with a minority / female. Star Wars 7 on the other hand had an OUTSIDE factor (which therefore ruins your study and makes it unable to disprove said point) as it was the 7th Star Wars which was a guaranteed success regardless of anything.
What's the first thing you do? 87 comments
poopun · 9 years ago
I FAP furiously everywhere.
Yes. There too.
I will let the doctor do it 50 comments
poopun · 9 years ago
On the other hand, that was an obvious trap set up by OP.
Props to him.
The top five times a Fox guest owned Fox in an argument 17 comments
poopun · 9 years ago
Did you see the video or only the extract? Because that really isn't how I remember it felt. I'd have to rewatch it to be sure tho.
The top five times a Fox guest owned Fox in an argument 17 comments
poopun · 9 years ago
have you people seen the video? That bitch spends the whole interview asking why he, a muslim, would write about that, so he ends up listing his degrees to show how qualified he is, clearly pissed because he wants to talk about his book, not justify why he wrote the book. priceless. (although one good thing is, the video of the interview went viral, his book became a huge hit because of it).