What are you guys' thoughts on this? NSFW for butthurt 28 comments
· 9 years ago
idk and idc, people can do what they want as long as it doesn't affect me
Hospital bills 27 comments
· 9 years ago
okay i get that the healthcare is cheap but i dont think that the hospital would give the patient a blank sheet of paper like "here is your bill, eh?"
That is amazing 15 comments
Someone without a TV, please answer this 8 comments
There are no words needed 40 comments
· 9 years ago
the reason why we nuked them is because the japanese would literally never have stopped fighting until we killed them all
How the news is reported in Detroit 8 comments
Advice for life 30 comments
· 9 years ago
i think that taking pictures is important, but if you're too much into the taking the picture, you don't get to actually enjoy being there in the moment. Like people who film stuff at concerts, that just seems dumb to me. If you want to watch a video of your favorite artist performing on youtube, then go ahead, but you bought those tickets to see them live, not only half enjoy it because you're recording the whole thing on a crappy camera
Car alarms made using only a violin 2 comments
The Most Unimpressed Dog in the World 9 comments
· 9 years ago
chill i didnt call it a repost from funsubstance i called it a repost from reddit
Everytime I want to watch a video on YouTube 9 comments
The Obamas are so real 11 comments
Go stand in the f*cking corner 5 comments
Thanks satan 12 comments
The Most Unimpressed Dog in the World 9 comments
The Story of Christmas 20 comments
· 9 years ago
oh great point there, they didn't have the news. my point is that they were harmless. Even the vast majority of muslims aren't jihadists, all jihadists are still muslims. It's not the muslims that people are afraid of letting in the U.S, its the completely possible deaths.
mariah carey is queen 17 comments
This is the opening day crowd for Star Wars in 1977 7 comments
· 9 years ago
wait but star wars wasnt super advertized and was not even that popular when it first came out