dem moves 25 comments
· 10 years ago
I can't help but hear "YEAH HO HO" out of lordes mouth.
Everything is different in europe 13 comments
*hairflip* 15 comments
What is it with Americans? 48 comments
· 10 years ago
After the "why do Americans always say "That's hilarious" instead of laughing?" one I couldnt help but say "haha, that's hilarious"
Me, when I'm talking & no one listens. 13 comments
That sinking feeling when you get a text like this 15 comments
· 10 years ago
I once got this text, but only the first part & I didn't answer for a whole night & when I finally did he asked me "do you like 'N Sync or Backstreet Boys better?" I remember that whole night just thinking "omgosh I have NO idea what to tell this guy, cause I don't like him back" xD
Totally drunk in bed 12 comments
· 11 years ago
You know this reminded me of that feeling you get when you come back from the beach & you feel like you're still in the water, like jumping thru the waves. Haha
Zombie master 37 comments
Hang on... Just a minute! 16 comments
Winning your virginity back 33 comments
Winning your virginity back 33 comments
· 11 years ago
Iamateen10, agreed! But i'd be nice if I could get a kiss before I die. Lol. & saras, for some reason I always thought you were a girl. Lol.
Winning your virginity back 33 comments
· 11 years ago
Mrblackbelt108 your comment made me laugh, then it made me sad because I'm also a virgin (by choice) but I've also never gotten kissed & I'm 18. So that pretty much makes me a loser.
Edited 11 years ago
Bunny kiss 14 comments