Just the world's first legitimate Pokemon Professor.
— PhoenixSenshi Report User
Wat 21 comments
· 10 years ago
It isn't "no tears" as in it won't irritate your eyes and make you cry. It's "no tears" as in no rips or split ends.
Terrible patience comp 24 comments
· 10 years ago
The dead virus in the vaccine exposes your white blood cells to the virus, allowing them to recognize the virus and allowing them to build matching antibodies to release if the living virus should enter your system. Because the virus is dead in the vaccine, it cannot use your body's systems to replicate itself, which is what causes illnesses to manifest, and it cannot spread to others.
Think of it like this. Imagine you are walking through the woods one day, and you suddenly come across a hostile creature you've never seen or heard of before. You would have no idea how to kill it. However, if you were able to learn about that creature beforehand, you'd know how. All the vaccine is doing is teaching your white blood cells how to kill the virus once it enters the system.
Think of it like this. Imagine you are walking through the woods one day, and you suddenly come across a hostile creature you've never seen or heard of before. You would have no idea how to kill it. However, if you were able to learn about that creature beforehand, you'd know how. All the vaccine is doing is teaching your white blood cells how to kill the virus once it enters the system.
Cirque Du Freak? Demonata series? Anyone 56 comments
· 10 years ago
It's really good, and P.B. isn't who you think he is. When it told me, I smacked myself in the face for not realizing it earlier.
Lol looking at it now 9 comments
I really hope childen didnt make this 15 comments
Friend found a tree within a tree 11 comments
Cat getting on social network 2 comments
Cirque Du Freak? Demonata series? Anyone 56 comments
Screaming intensifies 13 comments
· 10 years ago
It refers to Gavin Free from The Slow Mo Guys and Rooster Teeth's Achievement Hunter. THANK GOD FOR TV TROPES.
The Fault in Our Suite Life 21 comments
Terrible patience comp 24 comments
· 10 years ago
My parents are both doctors, and both are extremely cynical. There is no shortage of stories. One guy came in every day in a different costume asking for pain pills. Some costumes they couldn't tell until they looked closely, but some costumes were just plain weird. He came in one time as "Mario Spaghettio" in a complete Mario costume. Did an accent and everything. And when they wouldn't give him pills, he started shouting, "Are you-a working for fucking-a Bowser? I need-a some fucking pain-a pills!"
Edited 10 years ago
always 6 comments
· 10 years ago
And then when others approach, you just grab them and run away screaming, "IT'S MY FRIEND! YOU CAN'T HAVE IT!!!!"
Scar and Mufasa at it again 8 comments
"Who else would I be talking to?" 4 comments
· 10 years ago
I do what I do with my dogs. I say stuff like, "Who's a little asshole? You are! Yes you are a little asshole!" and then they look so happy.
Eye of the Cosmos taken from the Hubble Telescope 6 comments
· 10 years ago
Yes. Yes it was. Now spend your day with this song stuck in your head, and may it empower your every action.
Just to break your hearts... 22 comments
Many people would die inside 21 comments
Frozen car window 9 comments
Now how do you tell Goblins apart? 18 comments
*curls up and cries in a corner with fred and george plushies*