

— patsy3711 Report User
Hello guys meet Dennis 3 comments
patsy3711 · 39 weeks ago
Oh my god, cuteness overload.
Visited enough 5 comments
patsy3711 · 1 year ago
German native speaker here. I'm very sorry, but I never heard such phrase before.
"So" and "wollen wir?"are simply indicators to get something started. This might include starting to leave but it is really not specific. "Let's get it on, shall we?" would fit best.
You might have been simply shown the door. Again, very sorry...
1 · Edited 1 year ago
What a gigachad 3 comments
patsy3711 · 1 year ago
Yep, that's the only to handle a worldwide crisis with millions of lives on the line: trolling police and first responders.
Not a native speaker, so my question is: does "chad" translate to "d*ck" or does it mean "*sshole"?
Just medieval problems 5 comments
patsy3711 · 2 years ago
Lol, the comment loosely translates to "meat for meat"
My humor is broken 4 comments
patsy3711 · 3 years ago
Mozzarella? In block form?? Grated???
No offense, but did you grow up on spray cheese?
Of course the Germans have a word for that 6 comments
patsy3711 · 4 years ago
Also in bavarian: " ins Narrenkasterl schauen". Means the same and translates to " look into the fool's box"
Tower for rolling dice 6 comments
patsy3711 · 5 years ago
Ok, where can I get this?
Cause all men will stop paying child support 52 comments
patsy3711 · 5 years ago
Cause abortion for men is called birth control. Not sexy, I know, but much less invasive
Fidget spinner earth y'all 7 comments
patsy3711 · 5 years ago
No need to be rude. Also, judging from the comments, not everyone knew. Neither did everyone in my history class.
And twisting reality or information for a good punline is not a great choice either.
Fidget spinner earth y'all 7 comments
patsy3711 · 5 years ago
Actually Jerusalem is the center of medieval maps because this sacred city was so important for christianity and their Views. Folks knew that this was not real, nautic maps look different.
We still have that kind of "propaganda" mapping. The continents are not shown in their real size, Africa should be way larger and Europe a lot smaller.
Best moment from Justice League trailer 6 comments
patsy3711 · 5 years ago
This scene and Jason Momoa are the best of the whole movie...
Some hero's don't wear capes! 4 comments
patsy3711 · 5 years ago
She poisoned the food for the soldiers in a nazi garrison
Top ten most alchoholic drinks 21 comments
patsy3711 · 6 years ago
There is a brand of rum in Austria called Stroh and has 90% alcohol.
how? 34 comments
patsy3711 · 6 years ago
Womb, not stomach, therefore fetus, not feces.
Anime religious girls 46 comments
patsy3711 · 6 years ago
A nun's habit is kind of a work Outfit. Also, the idea behind is, that she is actually married to Jesus (they are wearing wedding rings, too).
So they are the exception, not the rule. I know no other example for Christian women to"cover" themselves. Also I never heard of a nun being attacked with acid because her scarf was out of place. Or of police squads checking that these women are hidden enough.
Question to the different muslim habits: why are some allowed to show their face and others Not? That's like completely wiping out these women's existance in public. No more people, just moving black bundles. To be honest, they creep the hell out of me.
Press it harder 5 comments
patsy3711 · 6 years ago
Uhm, the spot is soft because there is a gap in the sculls bone. You are dipping into the babys brain. Please stop doing IT. Please stop
I would watch it 20 comments
patsy3711 · 6 years ago
Capitalism is not opposed to values as freedom, democracy, equality and empathy, als many many MANY countries prove. America is NOT the world, believe it or not.
Good question 20 comments
patsy3711 · 6 years ago
Somebody already thougt of that .
The economic benefit for european countries via hosting refugees is said to be at approximately 1%, depending on how good or bad integration works. Key problem is, you need some infrastructure too and poor countries tend to lack that. Currently the G20 nations are starting an investment project in africa worth 300 million € trying to achieve what you are suggesting.
3 9 comments
patsy3711 · 8 years ago
Aaaaaaaaah... Thank you 9 comments
patsy3711 · 8 years ago
Can I get an explanation for non-native speakers? Thanks ;)
Classic 16 comments
patsy3711 · 9 years ago
The Nummer 5 is written as the letter V in latin. And to the others: Not sharing knowledge just to feel superior is a douchebag move.