"Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we oft might win by fearing to attempt."
Kik: pastrycheflawyer
Did not expect that... 18 comments
· 10 years ago
I mean on Obamas right hand side.
Did not expect that... 18 comments
· 10 years ago
The guy in the extreme right seated on the bottom row looks like an older Obama with facial hair o.O
I really want to know 31 comments
· 10 years ago
I've used ticktick 1, ticktick 2, ticktick 3 and so on since I was a child. I think it's the Indian way...
Interesting facts 11 comments
· 10 years ago
If the corpses aren't burned soon, they'll all become White Walkers.
What will happen when starbucks opens there? 7 comments
· 10 years ago
Well, Starbucks did open up here (finally) and it was pretty much the same!
It would be a strange world 45 comments
Butterflies in the amazon 9 comments
Big and littles 4 comments
Come on America! 30 comments
· 10 years ago
Really?! How does McDonald's not have delivery service in America? They do here!
Hell of a smooth scroll 43 comments
· 10 years ago
I scrolled up and down five times over. So soothing.
Edited 10 years ago
Am I the only one that wears make up? 19 comments
Am I the only one that wears make up? 19 comments
· 10 years ago
Why don't you take your opinion and shove it up your arse, bossguyipad? Got nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all :)
How is this even bloody possible?! 9 comments
· 10 years ago
Exactly! How does one not realise their pants falling to their ankles?! The things people post on Tumblr for notes :|
Soul mates 129 comments
Soul mates 129 comments
Came across this... 10 comments
Soul mates 129 comments
Soul mates 129 comments
· 10 years ago
6. Right then, I saw him. He was walking towards me. It was him!!! That man who'd damn near stolen my heart. I ran towards him as my clock started the count down. I didn't need to look at the clock. He lifted me in his arms as we kissed and swirled in the middle of the corridor. I had never been happier.
I looked at her. She stood there with tears in her eyes. I walked to her and hugged her close. No one had ever been that happy for me. She was a part of my soul. I had found my best friend.
While he, he made my world go round. I loved him, like I hadn't loved anyone else.
He and I got married and she was my maid of honour. I found two people who made me whole. My soul mates.
Edited 10 years ago
I looked at her. She stood there with tears in her eyes. I walked to her and hugged her close. No one had ever been that happy for me. She was a part of my soul. I had found my best friend.
While he, he made my world go round. I loved him, like I hadn't loved anyone else.
He and I got married and she was my maid of honour. I found two people who made me whole. My soul mates.
Soul mates 129 comments
· 10 years ago
5. I was excited and quite intrigued. As I neared school the clock kept ticking down... 0000 d 00 h 10 m 40 s. I stepped inside school, 0000 d 00 h 07 m 00 s. I walked towards my locker, opened it... 0000 d 00 m 01 m 15 s. Any minute now, I thought. I saw her. Yes, her. She tripped near my locker, our eyes met and my clock stopped ticking. She looked at her wrist. Hers had stopped too. What?! I helped her up. We looked at each other in complete bewilderment. We introduced ourselves. It was her first day at school. She couldn't make it the previous day because she developed cold feet in the morning. I told her I was straight, as was she. How could this be? We were still talking when I felt my clock start ticking again!! I looked at my wrist in complete shock! 0000 d 00 h 02 m 00s!! But, but I just met her! Hers has started ticking too 0003 d 22 h 45 m 43 s.
Edited 10 years ago
Soul mates 129 comments
· 10 years ago
4. I saw him again and I was pulled towards him. How could he not be the one, I wondered. I'd never felt like this before. We exchanged looks several times during class, and he finally came up to me. He had the voice of an angel. His eyes an earthy brown. I melted, but my clock told another story. We spoke for a while and exchanged numbers. On my way back home, we did not stop texting one another. He told me his clock showed that he would meet his soul mate the next day. So did mine. Could this be one of those stories? But, why had my clock changed times? Had his too? I let my curiosity get the better of me and I asked him whether his clock changed had times. His hadn't.
I checked my watch one last time before I fell asleep. 0000 d 09 h 33 m 40 s. I woke up the next day, got dressed and got into the waiting car. My mother asked for my left hand again and looked at my clock. 0000 d 00 h 30 m 55 . Today was the day; my mother handed the heirloom earrings to me and I put them on.
Edited 10 years ago
I checked my watch one last time before I fell asleep. 0000 d 09 h 33 m 40 s. I woke up the next day, got dressed and got into the waiting car. My mother asked for my left hand again and looked at my clock. 0000 d 00 h 30 m 55 . Today was the day; my mother handed the heirloom earrings to me and I put them on.