What would be your wishes? Post in the comments 5 comments
· 1 year ago
that’s actually a really good one.
She's not made for you, bro. You deserve better 1 comments
· 1 year ago
yeah sorry, he’s making a mistake. she cheated on him, BAD. i’ve been there and gotta say, i made the same mistake as him, and while i have few regrets in my life, THAT was one of them.
based 3 comments
· 1 year ago
okay, i’d get behind that. but lacking the mechanism to enforce it, i can see why Poland would just ignore it. i definitely don’t agree with that law, i feel that if there is a question of legality it should absolutely be investigated, but if i were Poland i would absolutely do the same thing about the fine.
: I 4 comments
Dablice mass grave of tortured babies - example why the communists are seen as bad as 2 comments
· 1 year ago
what gets me the most is that you needed a visa to travel within the bloc. hell, you needed papers to travel within the country, for the most part. you couldn’t just leave and move to a different part of the nation, you needed to justify it to the government. a common extension of punishment during the Cold War was that Dissidents would be released from labor camps then denied papers to travel home, denied work, be labeled as a social parasite, then get sent back to the camps. that restriction of freedom is utterly alien to me, and even before i found out about Dablice i thought it was terrible there. now i am so thoroughly disgusted i can’t imagine how anyone supporting that system there ever thought they were on the right side of history.
Die betus 1 comments
· 1 year ago
that is literally begging for heart failure. OP gonna die of stupid if they keep that up.
Field Guns, anyone? 6 comments
Classic 1 comments
· 1 year ago
my heart. it’s been through a lot, and my daily prayer is that it lasts at least long enough for me to walk my daughter down the aisle and see my youngest graduate high school.
The World War sequel is finally coming 3 comments
Facts!! I need disturbing fact 2 comments
· 1 year ago
fucked facts; the last use of the guillotine by the French government was the same year as the release of Star Wars; A New Hope. the last of the wooly mammoths existed at the same time as the building of the Egyptian pyramids. Lemmings don’t follow each other off cliffs; the original documentary crew that filmed the phenomenon orchestrated it because they couldn’t find a way to fill the full run time they needed. if you pinch your pinky and thumb together, and a tendon bulges in your wrist, you have an evolutionary leftover that can be harvested should you ever need facial reconstruction surgery. we live in this day and age closer to the T-Rex than the T-rex did the Stegosaurus. Hitler was named Time Magazines 1939 “man of the year”. the concept of chainsaws were originally designed to make cesarean births easier.
Edited 1 year ago
Couldn't believe I thought that 1 comments
Be the change you wish to see in the world 2 comments
· 1 year ago
this, i feel, is justice. he broke the law and killed a man. but he did so because this man took his sons innocence, and may eventually have done so to who knows how many other boys. the courts saw this and sentenced him in the fairest way they could, i feel.
Edited 1 year ago
Ah yes, science 8 comments
· 1 year ago
i took forensic anthropology in college and my awesome coffee-addicted hippie teacher echoed this exactly. from the bones you can tell not only what race someone is, but generally what region they predominantly are from. you can tell age, gender, congenital defects, lifetime trauma, diet, muscle mass, and BMI ratio from the bones. the series “Bones”, though dramatized, is very much based on this concept, and occasionally they get the science right.
Meme over everything 5 comments
· 1 year ago
holy shit that’s brutal. i feel personally that she was being cruel to the horse, so i’m not really sympathetic but the drop in stats is still very rough