True story for the people who wanted it 2 comments
This meme brought to you by Society 6 comments
· 1 year ago
i did the same and you are right, though i remember at one time these results were what the post portrays though Google did receive backlash for it. they have since changed it, and for the better.
Freedomn't 9 comments
· 1 year ago
okay THAT is an interesting take, i hadn’t thought of it like that… the adjustment of perspective to encourage understanding between demographics would create meaningful dialogue and perhaps help bridge any gap between the groups. not bad!
Edited 1 year ago
Freedomn't 9 comments
· 1 year ago
we learn by instruction and questions and interaction. how is banning questions from any group conducive to learning? especially given that it is the demographic that many would argue needs to learn the most. and how is banning questions from that one entire demographic NOT racist? correct me if i’m wrong but isn’t this the definition of hate keeping? and how do we define that demographic, exactly? what about white Muslims? What about people from marginalized provinces of Eastern Europe? There’s a whole stew of “white“ people that suffered in the Bosnian War that were victims of racism and genocide that apparently wouldn’t have the right to speak… so how is this a learning experience? and how is this not racist?
Edited 1 year ago
Better alternative 15 comments
· 1 year ago
(cont.) if these steps are not followed, someone can get hurt or killed. but again, i cannot stress enough that that is not a true accident, that is negligence and a lack of training and respect for the weapon, which can be solved by simply taking the proper steps. there is always another step that can be taken to render a situation safer and prevent an incident from happening, and if all the steps are taken then barring an absolute act of God you will have no incidents or “accidents”.
Better alternative 15 comments
· 1 year ago
fair enough, but with the exception of the bathtub example i disagree. vehicle accidents happen because someone wasn’t paying attention, or didn’t maintain their vehicle properly, or the roadway wasn’t maintained, causing damage, or someone was careless in their driving, or any number of preventable reasons- but you’ll be hard pressed to find a single MVA that didn’t have a preventable cause. the major nuclear power plant incidents were the result of improper maintenance, negligence, natural disaster (in the case of Japan), or, in the case of Chernobyl, lethal carelessness, and only in the case of natural disaster is it not really anyones fault, and even then it could have been better planned and prepared for. put simply, with the exception of extreme examples, there are no “real” accidents.
as for firearms, i’ll stand my ground here and say that when loading and unloading a weapon, ANY weapon, there are simple steps that must be taken to do so safely EVERY time to prevent a misfire.
as for firearms, i’ll stand my ground here and say that when loading and unloading a weapon, ANY weapon, there are simple steps that must be taken to do so safely EVERY time to prevent a misfire.
Better alternative 15 comments
· 1 year ago
how? if it’s safely stored, locked, unloaded, and given the proper respect and education necessary (ie always treating it as if it is loaded to as to not take any unsafe actions, obeying the “laser” and range rules), how exactly can an accident happen?
firearms “accidents” are entirely as a result of negligence. for every “accidental” death there are measures that could have and SHOULD have taken place to prevent disaster. same with nearly everything in life. there are very few real accidents in life and there are absolutely none in the use of firearms.
firearms “accidents” are entirely as a result of negligence. for every “accidental” death there are measures that could have and SHOULD have taken place to prevent disaster. same with nearly everything in life. there are very few real accidents in life and there are absolutely none in the use of firearms.
Better alternative 15 comments
· 1 year ago
that’s a given. safely stored, locked, and when your family is ready (ie kids are old enough) educate them on the safe handling of the weapon.
Better alternative 15 comments
My Apple Watch summing up me watching the birth of my Son in one sentence… 5 comments
· 1 year ago
definitely consult your GP ASAP and mention your concerns over your antidepressants. that is greatly concerning and there is a definite correlation between that and your heart rate. i wouldn’t say stop taking them because you were prescribed to take them by your doctor and need them and that shouldn’t be ignored. that said i won’t say it’s the cause because i am not qualified to make that call, but the doctor will have a better idea.
also, consider drinking more water and reducing your sodium intake in the meantime, and check your BP regularly. these won’t fix it but they’ll help your overall well-being. people don’t give enough credit to how dehydration can impact the human body, and if your antidepressants have any effect of water retention then you may be looking at that as a side effect and an increased fluid intake may be helpful. good luck! i hope you get the help and answers you need!
also, consider drinking more water and reducing your sodium intake in the meantime, and check your BP regularly. these won’t fix it but they’ll help your overall well-being. people don’t give enough credit to how dehydration can impact the human body, and if your antidepressants have any effect of water retention then you may be looking at that as a side effect and an increased fluid intake may be helpful. good luck! i hope you get the help and answers you need!
My Apple Watch summing up me watching the birth of my Son in one sentence… 5 comments
· 1 year ago
hi former EMT and firefighter here, i don’t mean to alarm you, but exactly how fast can you set up an appointment with your primary care physician? or a cardiologist?
you are very much not overthinking it. a normal adult average is 60-100 bpm, and the closer to 60 the better.
Edited 1 year ago
you are very much not overthinking it. a normal adult average is 60-100 bpm, and the closer to 60 the better.
Vengeance of a Druid 3 comments
T-14 Armata Russian main battle tank introduced in 2014 1 comments
· 1 year ago
bwahahahaha i’m just imagining this thing rocking on it’s suspension under the recoil until the bolts snap and the machine gun slams back into the sunroof
hero 6 comments
This meme brought to you by Society 6 comments
You deserve happiness 7 comments
· 1 year ago
maybe we should be saying “it’s gonna suck” for things that we haven’t improved yet. i’ve always felt these sayings are because it sets the expectation that the experience will be unpleasant but worth it, rather than saying it’s supposed to suck.
Edited 1 year ago
USMC recruitment poster 3 comments
· 1 year ago
fuck whoever did this. i’ve got a personal soft spot for the marines and this kind of disrespect pisses me off.
Now you know 2 comments
· 1 year ago
true! they then ran an expensive campaign to drive other nations that were in the slave trade out of business, and campaigned tribes within Africa like the dahomey to stop participating
the north had better logistics but SHIT generals.
in the end you can only fight for so long without food and ammo, and the north basically outlasted them. at least, that’s what they taught me in high school, in a nutshell.