My favourite Anime : Family X Spy 1 comments
· 1 year ago
i would be okay with this timeline. the show was wholesome enough as it is and whatever plot you could attach to this would be overwhelmingly adorable
There is no good country in history? 7 comments
Damn... Almost as if when you generate more revenue you get paid more 5 comments
· 1 year ago
it sucks but it’s often true. the pay of many of these players is supported by merch, ticket sales, and sponsors, who are drawn by the profitably of the team in merch and ticket sales.
There’s be no wars 3 comments
· 1 year ago
Olga of Kyiv, Isabella I of Castile, Elizabeth I of England, Catherine II of Russia, Boudicca…
the Daily Mail does an article on this saying that over a period of 500 years not only were female rulers more likely to go to war, but they managed it better and quite often reached their goals of territorial gain. these are a few examples from that. there’d totally be wars, and if anything they’d be more ruthless.
the Daily Mail does an article on this saying that over a period of 500 years not only were female rulers more likely to go to war, but they managed it better and quite often reached their goals of territorial gain. these are a few examples from that. there’d totally be wars, and if anything they’d be more ruthless.
The F-35 is garbage btw 1 comments
· 1 year ago
it is and what’s disappointing is that all the money and effort and tech put into it had real potential. it was supposed to be the next step beyond the F-22 and instead it was almost a step backward
Yeah, what's up with that? 3 comments
· 1 year ago
excellent question. i believe that every chance at life must be given. every measure, every means. miracles happen, and cutting short because it’s starting to look bad takes away that chance. THAT SAID, trust the professionals, and if they say that statistically there’s no practical hope left and to forgo this last resort to save the mother’s life and fertility would mean harm or death to the mother, then the priority is the life-safety of the mother. my wife had a DNC and my mother had two. my wife is Christian and my mother is Catholic. i understand this from my experience and shared trauma with them.
the procedure itself isn’t inherently evil, nothing made by man is. it’s how it is used, even abortion.
Edited 1 year ago
the procedure itself isn’t inherently evil, nothing made by man is. it’s how it is used, even abortion.
A question for you all 4 comments
· 1 year ago
all good points, i hadn’t considered the differences in weaponry. a spear would have increases the distance between the knight and his foe, and the bear probably wouldn’t stand a chance.
A question for you all 4 comments
· 1 year ago
gonna say it’d be a draw. the bear has the advantage of power but he’s gonna exhaust himself on the armor, meanwhile the knight will hack the shit out of the bear all the while. but, even in armor the knight will take a beating, and while not immediate the blunt force trauma, exhaustion from the battle, and blood loss (internal and external) would eventually kill the knight.
Yeah, what's up with that? 3 comments
· 1 year ago
look i’m Catholic and i’ll agree with same sex marriage. there’s zero logic behind it, and it’s wrong and impossible to legislate and enforce morality. if you like it and it doesn’t hurt me and mine, who cares what i think? live your life fam, and be happy! i’ve got no problem with it :)
but the thinking behind abortion is that there is literally a life at stake that has no voice of its own. there’s exigency circumstances that apply here, of course (ectopic pregnancy being a prime example), but unless both the life of the mother and the child were to be forfeit should the pregnancy continue, the push against abortion is literally to save a life.
so no, this doesn’t quite make sense there.
of course i’m sure guest has an essay to write so i’m gonna leave it here.
Edited 1 year ago
but the thinking behind abortion is that there is literally a life at stake that has no voice of its own. there’s exigency circumstances that apply here, of course (ectopic pregnancy being a prime example), but unless both the life of the mother and the child were to be forfeit should the pregnancy continue, the push against abortion is literally to save a life.
so no, this doesn’t quite make sense there.
of course i’m sure guest has an essay to write so i’m gonna leave it here.
Understandable alex 3 comments
· 1 year ago
okay, fair, but say they were just bros; you’re telling me he definitively WOULDN’T go scorched earth for his bro?
Edited 1 year ago
14th August 1385 was not a good day to be a Castilian soldier, especially if you don't 3 comments
· 1 year ago
looked it up; Castillians and the French vs Portugal over succession. Portugal was the weaker defending army positioned uphill with two creeks on either side creating a narrow channel for the Castillians to navigate, and capped their defenses with lines of archers whose arrows would converge on the same sections, covering what essentially was a killing field. the French cavalry charged without support and were slaughtered. the Castillians followed too late because of pride and petty differences, and didn’t have the buffer of the more heavily armored French, and were also slaughtered. and there’s a legend about a polydactyl baker woman who killed like a dozen Castillians with her bare hands when they tried hiding in her bakery, but that’s disputed.
Edited 1 year ago
Im so proud of this community 2 comments
· 1 year ago
okay but this would be really cool… very, VERY weird, but cool… i’m not even a Jojo’s fan and i’d watch this out of blatant curiosity.
14th August 1385 was not a good day to be a Castilian soldier, especially if you don't 3 comments
· 1 year ago
i need context because by all rights this should have been a slaughter… also, bread maker??
Abraham attempts to sacrifice Isaac on Mt. Moriah to God 6 comments
· 1 year ago
because it isn’t. Abraham was A specific and extreme example, one that has not been replicated to my knowledge since. In fact, while I don’t have sources at the moment, I recall there being several passages where in God explicitly stated he wouldn’t do stuff like this. I’ll have to come back with passages. bottom line, God would not ask us to do anything that contradicts his own teachings. Nonsense at the very least the New Testament.
Today is a sad day 2 comments
· 1 year ago
then they dropped the project so now i guess he’s looking to help produce a warhammer 40k series? last i heard
One of the hardest choices in life 2 comments
This post was fact checked by____ ________ 4 comments
· 1 year ago
and the best part of trump was that he’s not biden. they’re like the yin to each other’s yang of executive suckage.
This post was fact checked by____ ________ 4 comments
· 1 year ago
they have a point, but it can be argued that Trump certainly did little to prevent the circumstances in which we find ourselves in. both presidents are not worth the title ahead of their names.
They've been abandoned by their lords
Their fall from grace will pave their path, to damnation!