Biscuits 2 comments
· 1 year ago
this is terrible… but the quality is excellent and the detail of the camo style and Steyr are perfect. so curse you, and props to you.
Kojima is a ***ing prohpet 1 comments
· 1 year ago
go Packers… The Marines were giggling as they were creeping up to the machine
I found the movie to be mid, but y'all blew things way out of proportion 8 comments
· 1 year ago
he kept slaves of his own. The Greatest Showman COMPLETELY ignores what an outright BASTARD PT Barnum was, and racist, and general bigot. Law and Order SVU was inspired by Linda Fairstein, who was the prosecutor in charge of the infamous “Central Park 5” trials that led to the unjust incarceration of five black teenagers for years until the real assailant came forward, fabricating timelines and ignoring evidence to the contrary of her “findings”.
Gone With The Wind? slave owners and Confederates were our protagonists.
Hollywood loves a good story, facts be damned. it’s just sad that it continues to do so despite mankind having the greatest access to information in its history.
Edited 1 year ago
Gone With The Wind? slave owners and Confederates were our protagonists.
Hollywood loves a good story, facts be damned. it’s just sad that it continues to do so despite mankind having the greatest access to information in its history.
I found the movie to be mid, but y'all blew things way out of proportion 8 comments
· 1 year ago
look, if this were the case and the film was wholly acknowledged and was truthful about the extent and complicity of the Dahomey in the slave trade then this wouldn’t be an argument in the first place. but then again, if they did, they couldn’t have made the movie. the Dahomey were not just unwillingly complicit, they staked a significant portion of their economy on it and were one of the few African nations at the time to have a uniformed standing army so they could continue to supply their “product”. their captives had also been used as slaves within their own kingdom and as human sacrifices, as well. the Agojie were considered “wives of the King” and were often made up of forced conscripts and, you guessed it, slaves, and were forbidden to have husbands outside the king. they glossed over A LOT.
i will agree that this film is attacked a little unfairly, though, in its inaccuracies, because they are far from the first to do so. Hamilton is great but let’s not forget that (cont.)
i will agree that this film is attacked a little unfairly, though, in its inaccuracies, because they are far from the first to do so. Hamilton is great but let’s not forget that (cont.)
Typical france 12 comments
· 1 year ago
i have never heard of anyone getting fired here for being no fun, but i have heard of people getting fired for having too much “fun”. a lot of what the guy didn’t want to participate in sounds like what would be a sexual harassment case here.
No Dad, I'm not winning 4 comments
· 1 year ago
thank you! for me, it was firefighting and food shelters, but it doesn’t have to be as intense as that (though there is very much a need), just anything that has you putting others needs before your own, like garbage pickup or something
No Dad, I'm not winning 4 comments
· 1 year ago
volunteer. i mean it. if you can’t find joy in your hobbies, find joy in doing for others. it’ll help and inspire you in ways you can’t imagine.
Dude was a genuine *** so it all balanced out 4 comments
· 1 year ago
oh yeah, burning out the flesh wouldn’t be a problem. it would still be well usable.
Redo of Healer but m*lf 5 comments
· 1 year ago
so far all i could find were references to the manga but i think it’s still in development.
Redo of Healer but m*lf 5 comments
· 1 year ago
oh god i googled it to see if this was a thing or some awesomely made up bullshit… god help me it’s a thing. i regret the google.
Ah yes, enslaved enslavement 1 comments
· 2 years ago
my office-based department went back half and half because they saw a statistical drop in productivity and realized that much of the teams were taking the chance to fuck off the whole day while clocked on, and we didn’t have the manpower to replace the culprits. i hate the office environment but there is merit to being physically present to get your work done.
cam 13 comments
· 2 years ago
are her circumstances such that this is her only means of providing for herself? or is this something she chose to do? is this what is considered empowering? because it seems incredibly degrading and heartbreaking. stemming from this, isn’t there a push for things like sex work to be legal? given this, and aside from the health implications, is that a good idea? shouldn’t we do more to support these people so that they don’t feel that this is their only means of making a living?
What is your guess? 12 comments
· 2 years ago
absolutely, like it worked for drugs, alcohol during the prohibition, abortion, jaywalking and “blue laws”. because people who are knowingly committing illegal activity are absolutely going to follow these rules to the spirit and the letter on another ban.
Edited 2 years ago
French revolutionaries when America declared neutrality during the French Revolution 1 comments
· 2 years ago
Yes or no? I am sure that French revolutionaries would’ve loved American support, if we had a need to really provide. We were barely able to deal with the pirates in the Barbary states and we’re existing under a mountain of crippling debt at the time, and at the time that the American revolution had happened we had agreed to beneficial trade agreements with France and we’re fighting what France and United States believed to be almost a complete foreign power. France was undergoing a very internal struggle that was entirely land-based. We couldn’t send an entire army to support them because we didn’t really have one to send.
What is your guess? 12 comments
· 2 years ago
one of those dangerous high capacity assault weapons that can blow the lungs right out of your body with their massive 9 caliber bullets
It's been real homies 1 comments
They were always queer 2 comments
· 2 years ago
hate to be that guy but it also doesn’t need a homosexual explanation. or any sexual explanation. it’s MUPPETS.