Goblin Slayer: I heard you have a goblin problem 1 comments
· 2 years ago
oh god i needed this this morning.
I see this as an absolute win 1 comments
Clearly woman just exaggerate 2 comments
· 2 years ago
i’ve never met a dude who has thought that, we can’t imagine or understand how women accept and endure this as a part of their physiology and life. good god
We will not be skipping any cutscenes here 3 comments
· 2 years ago
I’ll only skip if I’ve already seen the cut scene and I have to go back to resection, otherwise I watch it from start to finish because of this reason and because skipping may very well result of me missing something that could be critically important later on.
My ex and I 5 comments
Having a grand day 3 comments
· 2 years ago
he looks like he wants to smile so bad but knows that he can’t because he’s a royal and he’s getting photographed lol
Alan Turing's Life! 4 comments
· 2 years ago
until he committed suicide from the resulting depression. he got the shaft by his own country. poor man.
Mind-blowing technology 2 comments
· 2 years ago
changing the tire must be a bitch, though. and finding tires to fit, too. but i love the design and pain or not i would buy one in a heartbeat!!
It's called strategy 9 comments
· 2 years ago
i mentioned it to him after i posted my question and got the response and i got quite the earful. tbh i wish i never asked him and just stuck with this thread lol
It's called strategy 9 comments
· 2 years ago
my super woke brother does. he hasn’t played the game or seen a single clip and won’t read any objective reviews for its gameplay because his favorite podcaster said that it’s transphobic because it’s a product of JKR and that’s good enough for him.
The Last Of Us can't even innovate adaptations of video games 3 comments
· 2 years ago
in the episode where they stop at a gas station and she finds the infected in the basement trapped under the rubble, I thought they would’ve been at some moment of emotional exploration that we would’ve seen where and she would be sympathetic to the infected or curious about it, but then she starts cutting open the skull to see the cordyceps underneath with a look of weird sociopathic glee in her eyes, before stabbing it and putting it out of its misery. it’s like they tried to fit every “typical teen” stereotype into the character in the completely wrong setting. I guess what I’m trying to say is is I feel like completely mischaracterized Eli, and Joel’s on screen presence is barely felt. Every episode I feel myself rooting for all of the characters except for Joel and Ellie, and I honestly couldn’t care less for their journey. And as the center of the show, that’s not a good thing.
Edited 2 years ago
The Last Of Us can't even innovate adaptations of video games 3 comments
· 2 years ago
and steadily grew in confidence and interpersonal strength through her experiences and Joel’s guidance by the end of it. The last episode that I watched, or Joel finally meets his brother, she is receiving hospitality from strangers in the commune and rather than showing gratitude and trying to engage with some of the local kids she instead says cutting remarks and walks around with a “I’m better than you“ attitude. at first I thought this was some sort of a false bravado from Bella Ramseys portrayal of a character, but then I realized as each episode went on that she honestly just couldn’t care. It’s her first time outside of the walls and yes, she displays wonder at the incredible world around her, but she shows none of the trepidation or caution that she should show, despite frequent brushes with that that would have any reasoning human being exercising a measure of restraint and wariness.
Edited 2 years ago
The Last Of Us can't even innovate adaptations of video games 3 comments
· 2 years ago
honestly, IMO it doesn’t. it has excellent world building, a great cast of supporting characters, excellent pacing and good flowing dialogue going for it. only thing that’s not going for it or Joel and Ellie. This has to be the one entirely bland performance from Pedro Pascal that I have ever seen, as Joel has always no screen presence and looks like he’s either passing a kidney stone or confused about where he is most of the time, and Ellie is nothing like her character of the games. i don’t mean in terms of appearance or conventional attractiveness (which is a weird thing to people complain about, And I’ve heard it a lot, it’s creepy), but in terms of personality and emotional range. Those two kids died horribly in episode five, I think it was? And she barely shed a tear. there’s no sense of personal journey or growth from her, and she seems totally happy doing the exact opposite of whatever Joel says, which was nothing like ellie in the game who felt out of her depth (cont.)