

— Party05 Report User
We can be versatile! 1 comments
party05 · 2 years ago
idea for an anime; it’s all the same van, and it’s a slice of life about the guy getting paid by various otherworldly deities to run over various “chosen ones” like an isekai doordasher.
Nah it'll be fine 21 comments
party05 · 2 years ago
2 · Edited 2 years ago
His housemate's nickname was Aunt Fancy and they lived together as "bachelors" 3 comments
party05 · 2 years ago
okay HE was probably gay.
Must have been a nasty shock 2 comments
party05 · 2 years ago
LOVE the liver spot edit, but yeah that would be a terrifying shock.
His housemate's nickname was Aunt Fancy and they lived together as "bachelors" 3 comments
party05 · 2 years ago
oh for god’s sake, he had kids and was devoted to his wife Mary. why would anyone think he was gay?
Does anyone else see it? 3 comments
party05 · 2 years ago
anyone care to fill me in? i have no idea who this is.
I doubt it was an accident but still cool 6 comments
party05 · 2 years ago
i love life’s little coincidences like this.
*Laughs in British* 6 comments
party05 · 2 years ago
gotta side with general_failure here, that still leaves $600M/yr and well above what most people will ever see in their lives.
i agree with keep what you earn at any level, but that’s an insane amount of money, and if you’ve gotta have a tax that person would feel it the least.
1 · Edited 2 years ago
*Laughs in British* 6 comments
party05 · 2 years ago
i mean…kinda? The issue was never really the tax, although the tax definitely contributed, it’s that we weren’t asked before we were being taxed. None of the money went to us, we were never consulted, they just said “too bad fuckers, you’re getting bent over the barrel”. now, when we’re bent over the barrel, at least we’ve voted for the people who are doing the bending.
5 · Edited 2 years ago
Ever warlike 1 comments
party05 · 2 years ago
it’s one of my favorite versions of the classic alien invasion story, not because of the “ooorah, go humans!” way of thinking but because of the self-analytical aspect of it; what if WE’RE the threat? where “they” came expecting a clean sweep like always before and were wholly unprepared to get their shit absolutely rocked by a species who has continually perfected killing its other members since the first two figured out how to pick up a fucking rock.
but also, ooorah, go humans lol.
2 · Edited 2 years ago
Hans, I can hear ze color of ze snow 1 comments
party05 · 2 years ago
the Wermacht troops took a shiiiiiiiiit ton of meth during the blitzkrieg. it was a definite performance enhancer, but the poor fuckers were tweaking so bad after a while they were all but useless.
bam 1 comments
party05 · 2 years ago
what the fuck!! hell of an advertising campaign!
Let me shoot fireworks in peace 1 comments
party05 · 2 years ago
be happy. be proud. for its many faults this great nation has accomplished a great many things. grow from failure and celebrate triumph. that’s nationalism done right, as i understand it.
Oh dear 2 comments
party05 · 2 years ago
i would believe it. Edison was the closest thing to an actual intellectual pirate for his time.
Fun fact 1 comments
party05 · 2 years ago
there’s actually a reason for this; just after normandy. there was a british tank battalion that had parked for literally smokes and tea while the officers conferred with command to figure out their next move. a patrol of several german panzers came upon the formation and fired upon the parked and dismounted tanks and crews before the crews could jump back in and engage. dozens of men died in just a few minutes and it prompted a very british change.
Same for gym bros 3 comments
party05 · 2 years ago
Not a meme, but pretty sure it belongs here 3 comments
party05 · 2 years ago
nothing wrong with being proud of parts of history, but don’t ignore the parts of history that you don’t like. i’m a proud American and Catholic but BOY is there a lot there to unpack, and i’m cognizant of all of it because it’s only right to know the whole story.
Same for gym bros 3 comments
party05 · 2 years ago
people who make one facet of their identity the entirety of who they are in my experience extremely annoying because it leaves little room for anything like critical thought or personality.
edit; wanna clarify, be proud of yourself, of your achievements, of who you identify with and what you have passion in. be proud to be gay, or a soldier, or a firefighter, or jewish, irish, whatever. just don’t let it be ALL that you are.
4 · Edited 2 years ago
Cat! 1 comments
party05 · 2 years ago
that’s more or less how i got my cat. it was 30 degrees outside and this little dumbass was just sitting in my yard in the dark, and i went outside and tried to shoo her away and she cuddled up to me and i was like “whelp”.
If you know… 1 comments
party05 · 2 years ago
what’s the issue? tmi but if anything it’s gotten better.
Fast! I need to impress some new people I just met 4 comments
party05 · 2 years ago
*at the delivery room*
“are these towels kept at womb temperature?”
used that in the delivery of all my kids, got exactly one chuckle.
Sounds like communism but ok. 4 comments
party05 · 2 years ago
i’m pretty sure that was always implied? but i get it.
Villains be like 7 comments
party05 · 2 years ago
old villains were the best, they did NOT fuck around.
and Alba can’t even be seen as a proper antagonist because she was a sympathetic, redeemable character defined by her understandable trauma. it’s like this all over Pixar and much of Disney these days; they can’t commit to a fucking villain. Turning Red, Encanto, Strange World, Toy Story 4; none of these had real villains and they all arguably suffered for it. hell, the last real villain in recent memory in Pixar or Disney, besides the generally unremarkable villains in Marvel, was Evelyn Deavor in Incredibles 2, and she fucking rocked.