More like in every episode of one season 3 comments
· 2 years ago
Stroogling 1 comments
· 2 years ago
struggle fucking rocks for this reason. it makes good characters in stories and builds character in people. to quote an old patch i saw a decade ago, “embrace the suck”.
hmm 4 comments
· 2 years ago
i never watched Naruto and i’m desperate for some context here because isn’t she like 12??
..And chicken wings 2 comments
· 2 years ago
not to mention various foodie cultures, gun culture (for good or ill), and of course western, southern, west coast, central US, new england, and east coast culture culminating in music, linguistic differences, food preferences, shared history, family traditions, meteorological and geological adaptions to conditions… the list goes on and on. it’s more accurate to say that our culture is not as old, which is certainly true. but culture there certainly is.
People who do left should be left alone 1 comments
· 2 years ago
be unhinged! but honestly it depends on the quality of the fry, and typically i’m the guy on the right.
I love my gandpeppep 4 comments
· 2 years ago
my first drink was an accident; I was at a party at a friends house when I was about 13 years old, and they had a picture of mixed Kool-Aid, and a picture of mixed tequila. I was drinking from the wrong picture, which was so weak I couldn’t really taste the alcohol, perhaps the night before anybody noticed. Needless to say I had a very fun night lol.
The first one that matters to me was about a year into my time as a volunteer firefighter. we responded to a call for an elderly gentleman who was suffering a medical emergency that ended up being quite embarrassing. He was very appreciative at our discretion and professionalism, and in return sent us 16 cases of Guinness black label. Naturally, being in fire service, we couldn’t drink them in the station, but they were equally distributed out to each member, with my father receiving my share. I have what I consider to be my first real drink that night, and up to today few things have ever tasted so good.
The first one that matters to me was about a year into my time as a volunteer firefighter. we responded to a call for an elderly gentleman who was suffering a medical emergency that ended up being quite embarrassing. He was very appreciative at our discretion and professionalism, and in return sent us 16 cases of Guinness black label. Naturally, being in fire service, we couldn’t drink them in the station, but they were equally distributed out to each member, with my father receiving my share. I have what I consider to be my first real drink that night, and up to today few things have ever tasted so good.
Still scary to this day 2 comments
· 2 years ago
the hash slinging…the mash bringing… the slash flinging…
Edited 2 years ago
Froggos '23 #33 - Loves Comes in Handy 4 comments
Froggos '23 #33 - Loves Comes in Handy 4 comments
The First African Slaves Arrive at Point Comfort, 1619 5 comments
· 2 years ago
that was the description i was going for, yes. and i wouldn’t say “hate”, just find a little obnoxious for the same reason.
The First African Slaves Arrive at Point Comfort, 1619 5 comments
· 2 years ago
i don’t know about the UK, but here in the US it’s slapped on everything for the whole month, for better or worse. remembering won’t be a problem.
edit; i’m not saying that it’s bad, just that it’s a selling point for businesses. and in that, it feels like it’s somewhat cheapened the message and intent behind having the month.
Edited 2 years ago
edit; i’m not saying that it’s bad, just that it’s a selling point for businesses. and in that, it feels like it’s somewhat cheapened the message and intent behind having the month.
All there is to it 12 comments
· 2 years ago
literally the same concept as steam power with coal except rather than burning harmful shit and pumping it into the air it’s just… hot by itself, more or less. and it boils the water for as long as it is hot, and when it’s no longer hot enough, you can take the residual material and bury it deep enough and securely enough where it continues to not cause harm. this is deeply paraphrased, but more or less true.
Edited 2 years ago
Two boys One hammer 5 comments