Merry Christmas 2 comments
· 2 years ago
the Venmo thing?
You do you 4 comments
· 2 years ago
i think some people are meant for this, and that their interactions with those whose purpose in life is more focused are meant to be the catalyst of their journey. it sounds, but not everyone can be an MC. that said, there’s value in being a side character; for example, would Frodo have made it if Sam didn’t join him? we all have a purpose, and sometimes that purpose is to just be what supports something greater.
We must band together and defeat this danger 3 comments
· 2 years ago
you MUST go to Quebec City, specifically Old Quebec. there’s the castle, the dining, the view! and there’s a church there, in a square about halfway up the hill, where the iconic finale to Catch Me If You Can was filmed, and it looks even more beautiful in person! and when you go to that church, a ways from it is a very famous mural painted by my great great aunt depicting famous French Canadians in Quebec’s history. it’s gorgeous! well worth the trip! to say nothing of the countryside, the people, all of it!
Edited 2 years ago
We must band together and defeat this danger 3 comments
· 2 years ago
Quebec is what you got when the best parts of France said “Fuck this we’re way better!” and left. Quebec is awesome!
abyss 35 comments
· 2 years ago
and by all means, talk to someone about these thoughts. the more you try and repress them out of shame, the worse they intrude, and that isn’t healthy for anyone. it’s better to voice them and accept that they are an unwelcome occurrence then to bury them until you can’t think of anything else.
abyss 35 comments
· 2 years ago
intrusive thoughts are normal. the human mind has nearly limitless imagination and this kind of thinking, even parent to child, is normal to a degree. you know the saying, “if someone tells you to stop thinking of a white bear, that’s all you’ll think about?” the same naturally applies for when someone says “don’t drop the baby” or something along those lines, because what then will you involuntarily think about, in trying not to? alone, these thoughts don’t make you a bad person, provided that that is all they remain. where it deviates is if the parent acts on it or feels the impulse to act on it. if then, SEEK HELP and step away from the child.
So, Chobham armour was developed by the British... 2 comments
· 2 years ago
did you know that 1) british tanks have specially designed tea making equipment so the crews can brew while buttoned up? and 2) the reason for this stems from one specific incident about a week after D-Day when, while off their tanks making tea and discussing their next move, a british armored battalion was ambushed and had its ass kicked by fewer than a dozen German tanks, and they bugged out before the british could really engage them.
He can't keep getting away with it 1 comments
· 2 years ago
so this is interesting; i found this article and it was published one month to the day before the war began, and it echoed the spirit of the ukrainians and international volunteers fighting now. at the time, they didn’t think they would be able to stand for long in a fight, but they weren’t going to back down. it’s an interesting read.
Why you always lion 4 comments
· 2 years ago
did he have him killed? because this would absolutely piss me off, and given how petty royals were, especially back then, he probably had him killed.
Why do discussions on slavery always end up like this? 8 comments
· 2 years ago
good point about the slaves themselves not being complicit; it was implied, but i did not make that clear. and by no means am i attempting to spread the blame so as to dampen the severity of the atrocity; every willing participant is just as guilty and should be just as judged to the same standard, and harshly, because we are discussing the buying and selling of human beings.
Why do discussions on slavery always end up like this? 8 comments
· 2 years ago
devils advocate; maybe because, in conversations regarding slavery, complicity is held by everyone, though in conversations held by either side of the conversation people want to deflect the blame? you could very easily turn the dialogue in this meme around, depending on your perspective, and it would be just as valid.
people are shit. in nearly every culture, work was avoided as much as possible by whatever means possible, and for millennia this meant owning people to make your chores easier. if you could afford to own people, you did. this doesn’t excuse anyone, because again, historically, ALL people are shit, regardless of race, gender, religion, or any other demographic.
people are shit. in nearly every culture, work was avoided as much as possible by whatever means possible, and for millennia this meant owning people to make your chores easier. if you could afford to own people, you did. this doesn’t excuse anyone, because again, historically, ALL people are shit, regardless of race, gender, religion, or any other demographic.
Every museum in Europe and North America be like 14 comments
· 2 years ago
consider also; the destruction of artifacts and historical sites in Iraq during the invasion by ISIS. so much lost, perhaps forever, and these artifacts and sites resided in a region of relative instability in the world. they would be arguably safer in a european or american museum. this was of such concern in the early stages of the War in Iraq (2003) that entire platoons were dispatched alongside archeologists to try and recover some priceless pieces of history from destruction in the at-risk national museum in Baghdad, and the movie Monuments Men was made regarding this practice in WW2.
so… i believe, wholeheartedly, that the nation of origin should have say, ownership, and control over the artifacts. but… it’s complicated and imperfect. would such a well-intentioned policy result in the destruction of artifacts? or is that a risk worth taking?
Edited 2 years ago
so… i believe, wholeheartedly, that the nation of origin should have say, ownership, and control over the artifacts. but… it’s complicated and imperfect. would such a well-intentioned policy result in the destruction of artifacts? or is that a risk worth taking?
Every museum in Europe and North America be like 14 comments
· 2 years ago
my second point is stability; many of the nations that such artifacts are pulled from don’t have museums, or are so unstable due to war or natural disasters that these artifacts, as well as what can be gleaned from them, could be lost forever. an example here; a nearly full fossilized skeleton of the Spinosaurus existed in a German museum in Munich, until WW2… and was so utterly destroyed by bombing, along with all records of its discovery, what information was pulled from it, it’s restoration, etc. and that was one specific incident in German that almost erased one of the most interesting extinct species form record forever.
Edited 2 years ago
Every museum in Europe and North America be like 14 comments
· 2 years ago
i agree completely that the country of origin should have control over the artifacts within its borders and should be able to display the remains of its history and culture, but i am going to play devils advocate here for two points; first, education. many people, kids especially, would have no access to those exhibits and would be denied a chance to access and learn from them, perhaps denied the chance to be inspired to join in the field of said culture’s exploration. if the artifacts are exported, either permanently or on a lend program between educational institutions, this solves this.
Hehe 5 comments
· 2 years ago
ahhh, gotcha. i thought it looked like Maslow’s pyramid but i didn’t know if it was referencing a specific epic dude/dudette.
joe 4 comments
· 2 years ago
i’ve seen this guys twitter, he comes off as an aggressively self-hating pushover. kinda sad, tbh.
AAA AA A AAA A AA! 5 comments
· 2 years ago
doesn’t it have something to do with the breeding of the horses, the way it is measured, and the comparative strength of horses today vs. when they made the measurement?
Is this you 4 comments
· 2 years ago
emergency services have the best ones, and i remember three; Dirty Santa, Madame Scar-Face, and Backpack Man