Interesting 4 comments
· 2 years ago
i think this is about cultural appropriation? and how abused that phrase in its use to demonize anything that borrows or even sometimes celebrates other cultures different from one’s own?
Edited 2 years ago
The council will decide your fate 8 comments
The council will decide your fate 8 comments
Don't talk to strangers. They'll tell you the truth. 4 comments
· 2 years ago
BUT the kid is 7. so. probably best to say “the Bible teaches that Jesus loves us all, sinners and saints alike. Jesus loves you and me, and your mom and dad, even the bullies in school and the people who are not nice to us. so if Jesus loves all these people, good and bad, perfect and imperfect, then i think Jesus loves gay people too. wouldn’t He?” and send him off with a “God bless you”
Edited 2 years ago
Don't talk to strangers. They'll tell you the truth. 4 comments
· 2 years ago
speaking as a Catholic? bring up the New Testament teachings of Jesus’ acceptance of others, the woman at the well, His dining with sinners and tax collectors, and the parable of the Good Samaritan, and say that a stance of bigotry and hatred is against His teachings because he preached love for your fellow man and acceptance. then bringing up the very few instances where homosexuality is mentioned and bring up how the passages listed alongside it also A) are in the Old Testament, which is the launching point but not the whole of Church teachings, and B) suggest we stone our neighbors for working on Sunday, wearing mixed fabrics, and eating shellfish, which we obviously we don’t do anymore, so the section is more or less a write off and reference point. the mention of homosexuality is also a description of how to and not to treat your slaves, and again, we don’t enslave people anymore, sooo….
The council will decide your fate 8 comments
Don't talk to strangers. They'll tell you the truth. 4 comments
· 2 years ago
don’t teach hate, absolutely, but don’t… don’t do this. maybe be the adult and use this as a teachable moment instead of causing unneeded turmoil.
Having a normal one 5 comments
· 2 years ago
also, there’s the biological component of mothering that she is completely ignoring, that the child literally depends on the mother for sustenance (formula notwithstanding), and the mother is compelled to care for the child as a matter of near instinct.
maybe i missed something, but reading the article it kind of felt like she was advocating for a family with more steps that tries to break the mold of what is traditionally understood as a “family” for reasons i can’t understand, because it kind of seems that every emotional need and role that she was trying to describe was already met and filled by the traditional family.
maybe i missed something, but reading the article it kind of felt like she was advocating for a family with more steps that tries to break the mold of what is traditionally understood as a “family” for reasons i can’t understand, because it kind of seems that every emotional need and role that she was trying to describe was already met and filled by the traditional family.
Having a normal one 5 comments
· 2 years ago
i’ve read what she proposes… essentially she suggests the abolishment of the traditional family model in favor of “shared mothering”, which basically aims to take down the traditional role of mother and make the “task” of giving birth voluntary, with no nuclear family to revolve around and everyone just giving everyone the love and support they need, without the constraints of familial roles. the idea here is that all of our needs are met in a free and communally supportive environment.
this is the broad strokes explanation, and it works, in theory, but really only in small groups and communities.
the kind of groups and communities that can be found in, say, a nuclear family…? and whatever emotional needs aren’t met by them, can be met by… friends? aka the “family” we choose?
this is the broad strokes explanation, and it works, in theory, but really only in small groups and communities.
the kind of groups and communities that can be found in, say, a nuclear family…? and whatever emotional needs aren’t met by them, can be met by… friends? aka the “family” we choose?
Imma get cancelled for this 2 comments
· 2 years ago
100% agree but sometimes a shower in the morning just feels so fuckin’ goooooooood
I wasn't planning on retiring anyway.... 7 comments
· 2 years ago
oh a fair bit of luck came into it too. it isn’t as if it’s a complete “pull yourself up by your boot straps” thing because that is bullshit. i had support, i had family to help with my littles at times and i was very lucky to live near an industry that has a career for myself and my wife. good fortune was an important aspect but it also came to us being willing to make sacrifices and our willingness to put in the work. and honestly, i was a bit of a defeatist. if my wife hadn’t pushed for us to start looking we’d still be in our crappy apartment.
Why are so many so upset a flutist played some flutes? 4 comments
· 2 years ago
you’re fine i just don’t give half a shit about these people in the news and was like “wait what did i miss?”
I wasn't planning on retiring anyway.... 7 comments
· 2 years ago
…you can still do this, just watch the markets, budget carefully, choose careers that give you the flexibility and job security to rely on, work the overtime and be willing to make small sacrifices along the way. it’s a lot of work but the payoff is worth it and incredibly rewarding.
beans 1 comments
· 2 years ago
i would either leave or hit him. gonna have to depend if he’s just trying to bother me or other people. can’t ask everyone to leave and can’t let it keep happening.
What year is it 4 comments
· 2 years ago
ohhhhh right. i forgot.
just like everyone forgot pretty much the entire first movie.
just like everyone forgot pretty much the entire first movie.
What year is it 4 comments
· 2 years ago
wait Avatar what?? they’re remaking it? or is it FINALLY getting it’s lost season?
When you mock all sides, that's proper satire 4 comments
· 2 years ago
fair enough. I’ve always felt that caricatures like this are an honest or at the very least uncluttered representation of opposing viewpoints, in that they show the flaws of every side. Kind of feels like the political parties here at home, sad to say.
which is a touch of a toss up; can we honestly say that if we had everything we need we would care to work hard? and sure, people who are passionate about their jobs will say “yes, absolutely.” but what about your factory worker? what about your fast food employee? a resounding “fuck no” will be the reply, unless they carry some kind of ambition or goal towards moving up the ladder, so to speak. and damn, i’d agree completely.
but the flip side of this is, well, PEOPLE SHOULD NOT HAVE TO GO HUNGRY. PERIOD. children should not have to know what it is to skip a meal and parents should not have to go without so their babies can eat. i’ve done that and fuck me it